DSNews | April's Fool Michael Flynn

11 months ago


The Unedited Truth| Remember when I used the analogy of entering a giant labyrinth with leviathans around every turn?: https://t.me/theuneditedtruth/1548

OutsideTheMatrix aka QRASH | It’s a disgrace. Pennies, nickels, dimes…empty your pockets because he’s the ‘people’s General’: https://twitter.com/PaTrumpGirl/status/1774762835588825363?t=2V_RRzYCfiGcp1sfOgAwbg&s=19

Michael Flynn’s family says video of them reciting ‘QAnon oath’ has nothing to do with QAnon | Mikael Thalen: https://www.dailydot.com/debug/lawsuit-flynn-qanon-oath-denial/

Michael Flynn and his family kept leftover donations sent in by QAnon supporters, sister says according to court filing | Paul Squire and Erin Snodgrass: https://www.businessinsider.com/michael-flynn-family-kept-leftover-donations-qanon-supporters-court-filing-2023-11

DIA celebrates Pride Month: ‘Be proud of who you are’ By DIA Public Affairs: https://www.dia.mil/News-Features/Articles/Article-View/Article/566994/dia-celebrates-pride-month-be-proud-of-who-you-are/

You mean like this? Who is the POS now? | intheMatrixxx on X: https://twitter.com/intheMatrixxx/status/1772688399532462262

OutsideTheMatrix aka Qrash on X: https://twitter.com/PaTrumpGirl

Marty Watters Investigative reporter on X: https://twitter.com/WattersMarty

Marty Watters Illinois Pay to Play website: https://illinoispaytoplay.com/

Ariel on X | The Influencers Post Among Us: https://twitter.com/Prolotario1/status/1774548822674256246

Michele Swinick on X: https://twitter.com/EverythingHomeT

Michele Swinick | Save My Freedom with Michele Swinick on Rumble: https://rumble.com/c/SaveMyFreedom

Breb Shiesty on X: https://twitter.com/PoohCozy

Why was Flynn in the Podesta emails? Breb Shiesty on X: https://twitter.com/PoohCozy/status/1771720609090666749

Smeagol transforms into Gollum (The Lord of the Rings – The Return of the King) | Middle-Earth Marvels: https://youtu.be/knImeAiO1qc?si=J9PGlLyWaldnbQC7

My Precious Inspired by Gollum from The Lord of The Rings | orionaimagazine: https://www.instagram.com/orionaimagazine/p/CvDP85Ao6hs/

The Unedited Truth telegram: https://t.me/theuneditedtruth

David Snedeker on X: https://twitter.com/DaveSnedeker

Mike Gill on X: https://twitter.com/MikeGil21446788


*D Booma San Twitter/X: https://twitter.com/DBoomaSan

Painfully Beautiful Truths Telegram & Chat:

**Donation Options | Certainly not expected but does help afford the video editing costs of Adobe Premiere Pro and the license-free stock footage and music from Envato Elements and Artlist ~ Thank you in advance if you do wish to help support my work!



***All the amazing Painfully Beautiful Productions LLC & D Booma San logos done by the brilliant and talented (Casey Q)!

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