A psychopath in chief: Creepy Joe yells at the audience, keeps saying "it's not a joke," has a hard time reading from the teleprompter "I lost the electricity here," wants President Trump to "preserve" Bidenomics...
15 days until the end of Democrats' insanity: Crooked Hillary, who destroyed government property and left Americans to die in Benghazi, receives the highest civilian honor from Creepy Joe.
You can't make this shit up. Creepy Joe: "We've run a campaign that's basically scandal free. That's hard to do in American politics." Cackling Kamala cackles.
You can't make this shit up. Creepy Joe has the nerve to joke about updating the country on a terrorist attack: "Kickoff is going to take off very shortly. If I don't get this damn thing done, we're going to be in real trouble."
46 days until the end of 46 insanity: Creepy Joe dozes off during his meeting with Africans then tells them he's "coming back to ride on the train" because he "likes trains a lot."
Lying Creepy Joe: "Compared to 4 years ago, America is stronger!.. our adversaries are weaker than they were when we came into this job 4 years ago!.. we've done so much... we launched massive projects across African Beyond..."
You can't make this shit up. Creepy Joe: "Let's get something in mind about the border. When I became president, the numbers came way down! Number 1. Number 2, we had a circumstance where I pushed very hard..."
Creepy Joe: "I think I would have beaten Trump. Could have beaten Trump. And I think that Kamala could have beaten Trump. Would have beaten Trump... But I didn't want to be one who caused a party to lose an election."
The end of this nightmare can't come soon enough: Creepy Joe seems confused about how in the world he missed the group photo at the G20 Summit in Brazil, then shuffles away.
Creepy Biden: "You can't walk down the street without some young girl coming up to you, just wanted to touch you, just wanted to hold your hand. I thought, I get to do things that I want, but my staff tells me I can't."