Republicans are BANNING BOOKS!!! (ft. Rush Limbaugh)

3 months ago

Republicans are BANNING BOOKS!!! (ft. Rush Limbaugh) UPDATE: Rush read a letter from a school official the next day & it turned out the story was fallacious.

There was no shortage of low-IQ Democrats going crazy {X} over some GOP-dominated states (Iowa in particular) giving parents more power (instead of “educators” who live in an urban fishbowl) over the curriculum. Normal people in Iowa (especially Rural Iowa, which is most of Iowa) don’t agree w/ “the cop shot him because he’s Black” because that’s not education, that’s indoctrination. Normal people in Iowa don’t want their children reading a book that depicts oral sex acts between preteen cousins.

The Pedocrats want to get to your kids early, they want to talk to them about sex, they want to talk to them about “changing” their gender & they want to do this when your kids are in their formative years.

If you wonder why Timmy can recite his pronouns but can’t hold a job & his Reading comprehension is at an Eight-Grade Level, thank a provocateur in the Government School System.

{X} Story County, Iowa Supervisor & resident Hobbit Latifah Faisal (debunked here was hopping mad that books depicting oral sex between preteen cousins was going to be yanked off the shelves. Maybe she gets off on that? Well, keep that “in the family” Latifah, if you know what I mean old lady. Stay away from other people’s kids w/ that, capiche?

The ACLU went bonkers over this too, the Republicans are BANNING BOOKS & that’s unconstitutional… or something.

As an aside, the ACLU thinks it’s a violation of their First Amendment rights if my child isn’t allowed to read a pornographic book at a Government School that my property taxes fund. The Cato Institute is wrong about a lot of things, but one thing they get right is this: Most of the fights over the curriculum in Government Schools would be solved if education was left in the hands of the states at most & local jurisdictions, parents & the local school board.

They don’t like that, because then they can’t impose a one-size-fits-all policy (this happened w/ Roe) & they can’t have some mentally-ill person talk to your 6-year-old boy about turning into a girl, which is utter rubbish.

If I am going to fund a Government School, then I am going to have a say about the curriculum, period. We should start by ending the Federal Dept. of Education & all the strings it attaches to the money Washington sends to states & localities. Return that to the folks who actually pay taxes.

Exposing children to these sex acts can damage them, can they imagine how a 6-year-old will process a book that gives them explicit details about family members performing oral sex on each other?

Perhaps this is why Latifah Faisal has two daughters & no man in her life, I think she’s mentally ill.

There was no shortage of Democrat caterwauling & screeching over Republicans banning books, but it’s not about freedom of speech, it’s about Communists being denied the ability to brainwash children & turn them into pronoun-reciting SJWs. This isn’t about 2+2, it’s a culture war. Nobody is saying, “yeah, 2+2=5,” but some are saying, “no, you are not going to talk to my child about homosexuality & the birds & the bees, we will do that. If you start digging through Cato’s map you’ll see Progressives doing all sorts of things such as circumventing parental notification & denying freedom of expression to students or parents that don’t think XY chromosome homo sapiens can “transform” into XX chromosome homo sapiens. Here are some examples:

“Assemblyman Chris Ward (D- San Diego) proposed a bill that would prohibit districts from enacting policies notifying parents about their child's gender or sexual orientation, except in cases in which the child was at risk of harming themselves. The bill would also prohibit districts from punishing teachers who defy district parental notification requirements. Ward said, "Our constitution already stands for individuals’ right to privacy. Everybody has the right to be able to come out on their own terms." Opponents of the bill said parents have a right to know what’s happening with their child, and it’s important to know for the sake of children’s health and well-being. In April 2024, the bill passed the Committee on Education. In June 2024, the bill passed the Senate. In July 2024, Gov. Gavin Newsom (D) signed the bill into law. Days after the bill was signed, the Chino Valley Unified School District sued the state alleging the new law violates parental rights under the Constitution.”

This is why Democrats want to circumvent parental rights. If they can continue to harass & groom the child & the parents do not know, they have a better chance of brainwashing the child & in some cases, I would presume the predator wants to have sex w/ the child too. These people are sick.

“Parents protested La Ballona Elementary School's "Rainbow Day," which was intended to teach students about the LGBTQ+ community, among other things. Lindz Amer, a nonbinary person and host of the YouTube channel "Queer Kid Stuff," read the book Payden's Pronoun Party as a part of the curriculum. Parent Norma Hernandez, who attended the protest, said, "It should be my right to choose when the children get exposed to this kind of information." Superintendent Brian Lucas said the book was "age appropriate," and that "there is no content around sex education or sexual orientation. This is about being accepting and inclusive of all of our students that come into our campuses.”

It’s certainly NOT appropriate to talk to someone else’s 8-year-old about homosexuality & again, there is no such thing as non-binary. You are XY chromosome or XX chromosome. If Lindz Amer thinks theyr’e really non-binary, they could give me a lock of their hair & a blood sample, I’ll send it in to the lab & they’ll tell me everything but the pervert’s Social Security number. The Pedocrats do not want the parents handling the birds & the bees, they want to inundate your child w/ talk of “transitioning” & they want to talk to them about being homosexual. Again, many predators go into education so they can have access to children, this isn’t all about brainwashing, this is about them fulfilling their evil fantasies.

“After the Biden Administration expanded the Title IX discrimination protection definition to include gender identity, sexual orientation, pregnancy, and other related conditions, the Winters Joint Unified school board proposed adopting the changes. At a board meeting discussing the updates, Jenny Pinedo, Director of Special Education and Student Services, said in support of the new policies, "These changes help ensure that our district remains compliant and continues to foster a safe, inclusive, and equitable environment for all students and staff." Parent Katie Skalicky, said in opposition of the changes, "My son is on the football team, and he very regularly uses the locker rooms. He himself has been in a position where somebody of the opposite gender walked in, and he felt very uncomfortable. I think there’s a way to accommodate everybody without discriminating." The board voted unanimously to adopt the new policies.”

The Pedocrats in California continue to demand we get on-baord w/ this mental illness that is “transgender.” You are XX or XY period, even if you are a hermaphrodite (which is an unfortunate, genetic mutation), there is no inter-sex. So, parents who have XY chromosome children that are in their teens & feel very uncomfortable when XX chromosome teenage women are stalking around the locker room – California is giving those parents the middle finger. Would you want Roman Polanski wandering around your daughter’s locker room if he “changed” his gender? Sam Seder #samseder #majorityreport might get off on that, normal people don’t.

“A transgender student made the varsity track and field team and female students Taylor and Kaitlyn were cut from the team. In response, Taylor and Kaitlyn wore t-shirts that read "Save Girls Sports," and school officials said the shirts created a hostile environment for the transgender student, comparing the shirts to swastikas. Kaitlyn said, "We're just wearing a shirt that expresses what we believe in trying to raise awareness to a situation." Taylor's mother filed a complaint alleging sex-discrimination against her daughter. In October 2024, the district's Title IX coordinator, Bethany Scott, said the district was launching a formal investigation and that Taylor would not be disadvantaged by running on the junior varsity team. In November 2024, the district reclassified the Title IX complaint as a confidential personnel matter, stating it did not meet the criteria for sex-based discrimination. In the same month, Taylor and Kaitlyn sued the district, alleging First and Fourteenth Amendment violations. Also in November, track and field athlete Rylee Morrow spoke against the transgender student participating on her team at a board meeting, saying, "Going into a locker room and seeing males in there, I don't find that safe...It's not okay. I'm a 16-year-old girl!”

All those stories were from California, just in 2024. I fail to see how Taylor was not disadvantaged, because her spot on the varsity was taken by a male. I guess Regressives like to ban things they personally don’t like & when the tables are turned, by golly that’s not good.

Here’s one from Iowa, 2022: “Southeast Polk school board member Whitney Smith McIntosh was criticized by community members for social media posts they labeled anti-LGBTQ. One post by Smith McIntosh said, "Sexually confused people need help, respect and support to turn to God." Resident Sarah Ashby said, "For students to see that, that's dangerous, because that's just another person who is piling on the hate." Some complainants argued that Smith McIntosh violated the district's code of conduct, and Courtney Reyes of the LGBTQ advocacy group One Iowa Action said the district should take action against Smith McIntosh. Smith McIntosh responded, "I have faithfully, fairly and equitably upheld my oath of office and represented the students and families in the Southeast Polk school district." Her posts were on personal accounts.”

REPUBLICANS ARE BANNING BOOKS!! And according to Regressives, you are not allowed to espouse an opinion that is rooted in scientific fact. There is no such thing as “transgender.”

I can also add that the ACLU wants to essentially ban school choice for children, if your child is stuck in a dropout factory that has a poor track record, your kid cannot attend a charter school or any private school because they may not try to groom your kid to “transition” to another gender, your child may not be able to recite personal pronouns & they may actually be able to read. Progressives are BANNING SCHOOL CHOICE!

Here are a few more stories & we’ll wrap this up: “Coon Rapids (Minnesota, 2012) High School student Jake Balthazor was told he could not wear a rosary in school because it was sometimes a symbol of gang membership. Balthazor resisted, saying he wore the rosary to support his breast cancer-stricken mother. The school and Balthazor eventually agreed that he could wear the beads to school, but he would put them in his pocket if asked.”

“The Rochester Public Schools Board (Minnesota, 2021) designated "Black Lives Matter" protected "government speech," which would prevent the district from being held liable for not allowing opposing viewpoints. The designation was also applied to "brown lives matter," "indigenous lives matter, "stop Asian hate,” and the gay pride flag. School board attorney John Edison said, "[By] adopting the messages that you’re adopting as government speech, you’re saying these are the messages that we’re communicating as a school district, and by doing that, we’re not also creating a forum to allow other types of speech to enter the forum." Jean Marvin, board chair, said, "It is not about telling students what to think and what they can and cannot say, but it does give our district and our staff the authority to speak out about these lives that matter." The decision came after several teachers had reportedly been told by district officials to remove Black Lives Matter material from classrooms on the grounds it was disruptive, inspiring objections from the organization Rochester For Justice.”

Can I start a “Black Lives That Are Murdered By Other Black Lives Matter” group, dedicated to remembering all the young black males that are murdered by other young black males in cities like Chicago, Baltimore, Detroit, Flint, Philly, Milwaukee, etc.?

That banner would likely be taken down, but Black Lives Matter propaganda (another bumper sticker slogan that I’ve written about extensively) is okay in a TAXPAYER-FUNDED School.

“LGBTQ advocates and some parents disagreed over a rainbow LGBTQ flag flying in the cafeteria of Marshall Middle School (Minnesota, 2020) when other flags, including flags representing conservative values, were not allowed. Local church leaders said that the school needs a policy "to ensure that everybody’s rights to have a say in what symbols go up in a public building they support with their tax dollars are recognized.” Thomas More Society Special Counsel Erick Kaardal said, "At the very least, it's divisive and insensitive. It makes it appear that the school supports one group's beliefs at the expense of others." Kelly Holstine, director of educational equity at OutFront Minnesota, said, "This flag is showing tangible support towards those humans, and there is no law that supports the claim that people’s First Amendment rights are being harmed by flying [it].”

Regressives are mad Republicans want to ban material from taxpayer-funded schools that they approve of. However, items they approve of being used to brainwash children in taxpayer-funded schools are kosher. Could I put a flag featuring the Christian Cross in the lunchroom or would that be a violation of “Separation of Church & State,” which is not actually in the Constitution.

This is why the government needs to be booted out of education, at least at the federal level. That would not solve all problems, but it would solve a lot of them. Folks like the creepy old man Sam Seder & the fat Hobbit Latifah Faisal (Story County, Iowa Board of Supervisors) don’t want that because that takes away their ability to implement a one-size-fits-all scheme where your child can be inundated w/ homosexual themes (many parents would rather handle that themselves) & “transgender” propaganda. They want your children reading books saying, “The cop shot him because he was black” & they want books depicting preteen cousins engaging in incestuous oral sex because they get off on that & want your children to be dysfunctional. That gives your child a metaphorical crutch & can be used to get them in the Communist voting bloc.

I urge you to check out Cato’s map that I linked to, you could be reading for weeks & what I posted is barely the tip of the iceberg.

My message to the bipolar divorcee Sam Seder, the never-married Latifah Faisal, any pervert at the Atlantic, Slate or anyone else agitated over book bans: Talk to your mentally ill kids all you want about 12-year-old cousins performing oral sex on each other. Talk to your kids all about having their genitals mutilated, taking estrogen or testosterone, getting fake breasts (or getting them removed) & get them to the doctor for their treatment. Talk to your kids about how it’s okay for fat old men to dress in lingerie & read to 8-year-olds. Talk to your kids about fat, old men having sex w/ 13-year-olds. Oh, was that last one immoral, maybe even sinful? Are you going to ban that practice? (lol) Maybe talk to your kids about sex outside of marriage being evil? Oh, is that too Puritan for you? Leave my kid out of your perverted conversations. Mr. Chairman, I Yield Back!

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