(FIOS CENSORED) US DOD MARATHON! STARTING: Thurs.Jan30,-25! If you do nothing else this year: Watch this show on protecting ourselves from millions of Cross Border Sneak-Ins and fighting age foreign Terrorists and Military, Joe BIden brought to our door!
LIVE! US DOD MARATHON! SUN-Feb.9,-25 Joe Biden Brought Terrorists to our Door! We expose the Crimes of the Biden Mayrokas Harris attempt to destroy America with cross border Terrorists and MIlitary!
VERIZON BASTARDS DISRUPTED our line AT 4:45 AM! US DOD MARATHON! Wed-FEB.5,-25 Joe BIden Brought Terrorists to our Door! We expose his terror plot against the MAGA and his open border crimes, now being shut down by Trump. Biden should be locked up. His pa
FIOS MAFIA CENSORED: US DOD MARATHON! Wed-Jan.22,-25 Joe Biden Brought Terrorists to our Door! We expose Biden Terror Plots & explain MASA P3i Public Self Defence Initiative: protect your family from EVIL: millions of Cross-Border Terrorists!
NEW US DOD MARATHON! Wed-Jan.22,-25 Joe Biden Brought Terrorists to our Door! We expose Biden Terror Plots & explain MASA P3i Public Self Defence Initiative: protect your family from Soros Biden EVIL: millions of Cross-Border Terrorists!
(FIOS Censored) US DOD MARATHON! Wed-Jan.22,-25 Joe BIden Brought Terrorists to our Door! We expose the Biden, Soros & Rockefeller Crimes that led to these millions of Terrorists & Traffickers to infiltrate the US behind waves of other illegals!
NEW US DOD MARATHON! Wed-Jan.22,-25 Joe Biden Brought Terrorists to our Door! We expose Biden Terror Plots & explain MASA P3i Public Self Defence Initiative: protect your family from Soros Biden EVIL: millions of Cross-Border Terrorists!