Killer Mike is an Example of the Most Graceful Way to Speak Politics–Which is Basically the Old Fashion: NO RELIGION/NO POLITICS IN MIXED COMPANY. | Bill Maher PLEADS with Killer Mike to Channel Black Victim Consciousness and Endorse Biden!
Dan Bongino REPORTS: The Military Coup Against Trump (Not the Other Way Around, Q'ers!) as ADMITTED AND ANNOUNCED by Desperate "Leaders", or More Accurately- Illuminati Minions and Flunkies!
🚨 Trump's Re-Election to Be Discarded! Q Fantasies FLIPPED on These Qtard Toxic-Positive Thinkers (Coping Mech). The Q PsyOp is Classic Illuminati: "We're Telling You What We're Doing", and You Consent By Way of Self-Foolery.
The Washington D.C. "Miracle" of 1993 — And a Way to Participate in This Spiritual Warfare While Others Must Take ANOTHER Role/Path! | Jean Noland, “Inspired”.