Lost Civilizations & The Real Eden Location

3 months ago

Let’s get into the mysteries of Karahan Tepe, one of the most significant archaeological discoveries of the 21st century. We’ll explore the intricate carvings, chambers, and structures, revealing their acoustic properties, shamanic symbolism, and astronomical alignments. Discover how this ancient site was used by shamans to connect with the Milky Way’s Galactic Bulge, and learn about its builders, remembered in myth as the Watchers, Nephilim, and Anunnaki gods. We’ll also investigate the site's role as a shamanic oracle center and trace the serpent motif through history, linking it to various traditions and myths, including the Garden of Eden. Dive deep into the secrets of Karahan Tepe and its sister site, Göbekli Tepe, and uncover their foundational role in the world's first post-Ice Age civilization.
Astral Guest – Andrew Collins, author of Karahan Tepe: Civilization of the Anunnaki and the Cosmic Origins of the Serpent of Eden.

Get the book: https://amzn.to/4fnJYdL
More on Andrew: https://www.andrewcollins.com/page/books/index.htm

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