1. Prophecy 125 - Satan's elite will use the blood red moon of September 27th, 2015! YAH Warned "Pray against the spiritual darkness," "This is NOT, I, YAHUVEH'S wrath. This is the elite's wrath.."

    Prophecy 125 - Satan's elite will use the blood red moon of September 27th, 2015! YAH Warned "Pray against the spiritual darkness," "This is NOT, I, YAHUVEH'S wrath. This is the elite's wrath.."

  2. Prophecy 25 - America, MY Hand Is Set Against You! "If you think that it is hard to walk in faith now, how much harder do you think it will be when you see the horror that is to come? Oh America, the flames of MY wrath shall encompass thee."

    Prophecy 25 - America, MY Hand Is Set Against You! "If you think that it is hard to walk in faith now, how much harder do you think it will be when you see the horror that is to come? Oh America, the flames of MY wrath shall encompass thee."

  3. Prophecy 2 - MY Wrath Is As Great As MY Love! "Join together around the world through the miracle of the computer, link together, stand together and you will see a greater outpouring of the RUACH ha KODESH (HOLY SPIRIT) as never before."

    Prophecy 2 - MY Wrath Is As Great As MY Love! "Join together around the world through the miracle of the computer, link together, stand together and you will see a greater outpouring of the RUACH ha KODESH (HOLY SPIRIT) as never before."

  4. Prophecy 52 Excerpts - I, FATHER YAHUVEH, WILL DELIVER YOU ONCE AGAIN! "The evil ones...think themselves wise to even inoculate their own families, and loved ones, and friends, and yet, I, YAHUVEH, will nullify that protection."

    Prophecy 52 Excerpts - I, FATHER YAHUVEH, WILL DELIVER YOU ONCE AGAIN! "The evil ones...think themselves wise to even inoculate their own families, and loved ones, and friends, and yet, I, YAHUVEH, will nullify that protection."

  5. Prophecy 83 (by AMW video team) I, YAHUVEH, Say, "Prepare The End Is Nigh!" "YAHUSHUA will use the Holy Angels, Rev. 7 Bride, Rev. 14 Bride, as well as the Two Witnesses to know where the Guests are and to help them as needed."

    Prophecy 83 (by AMW video team) I, YAHUVEH, Say, "Prepare The End Is Nigh!" "YAHUSHUA will use the Holy Angels, Rev. 7 Bride, Rev. 14 Bride, as well as the Two Witnesses to know where the Guests are and to help them as needed."

  6. Amightywind Prophecy - Faith Water Walker Overcomer Excerpts. People say you won't make it/tythe to a bad church. TRUTH Know the SAVIOR for YAHUSHUA SAYS "You organized churches, I laugh at you..foolish manmade religions."

    Amightywind Prophecy - Faith Water Walker Overcomer Excerpts. People say you won't make it/tythe to a bad church. TRUTH Know the SAVIOR for YAHUSHUA SAYS "You organized churches, I laugh at you..foolish manmade religions."

  7. Pastor David Wilkerson (now in Heaven) Warned Of A "Persecution Madness" At true believers in JESUS (YAHUSHUA, Hebrew Translation) Many Filthy Churches. True Church Underground, Home Worship

    Pastor David Wilkerson (now in Heaven) Warned Of A "Persecution Madness" At true believers in JESUS (YAHUSHUA, Hebrew Translation) Many Filthy Churches. True Church Underground, Home Worship

  8. Amightywind Prophecy 33 - Like the Days Of Hitler WW2 but they'll Overpower mark 666! Millions Of Holy Martyrs In Great Tribulation give their lives like the Apostles did after the Bride is Taken

    Amightywind Prophecy 33 - Like the Days Of Hitler WW2 but they'll Overpower mark 666! Millions Of Holy Martyrs In Great Tribulation give their lives like the Apostles did after the Bride is Taken

  9. YAH'S Prophecy 53 (spoken under a New Anointing) I Have Given You Given Victory! Vital for spiritual training

    YAH'S Prophecy 53 (spoken under a New Anointing) I Have Given You Given Victory! Vital for spiritual training

  10. Amightwind Defense video 2009 & On Youtube/Internet battle, antichrist church got Wiped out most are hybrids praying to a fake dark jesus aka satan

    Amightwind Defense video 2009 & On Youtube/Internet battle, antichrist church got Wiped out most are hybrids praying to a fake dark jesus aka satan

  11. Prophecy 79 Excerpts (condensed due to hard to read font) In Great Tribulation one world antichrist Sunday Churches will practice vile orgies, cannibalism, torture

    Prophecy 79 Excerpts (condensed due to hard to read font) In Great Tribulation one world antichrist Sunday Churches will practice vile orgies, cannibalism, torture

  12. Amightywind Prophecy 67 - "I, YAHUVEH, will declare War from Heaven with giant Meteors of Mass destruction." "in showers like you have never seen." Book of Revelation Fulfilled! Evil Korah's fill the Temples & Churches

    Amightywind Prophecy 67 - "I, YAHUVEH, will declare War from Heaven with giant Meteors of Mass destruction." "in showers like you have never seen." Book of Revelation Fulfilled! Evil Korah's fill the Temples & Churches

  13. Amightywind Prophecy 91 - John Hagee, "You are Doomed," saith I, YAHUVEH! "I told you, you heard MY footsteps and I told you I was walking this earth in a form you would not recognize."

    Amightywind Prophecy 91 - John Hagee, "You are Doomed," saith I, YAHUVEH! "I told you, you heard MY footsteps and I told you I was walking this earth in a form you would not recognize."

  14. Full Prophecy 79 - I, YAHUVEH, Say, "People, You Are Missing The Point!" satan's vile one world Sunday Churches in Great Tribulation & "The Bride knows she is to Keep MY Holy Days." "Bride uses OUR Holy Sacred Names"

    Full Prophecy 79 - I, YAHUVEH, Say, "People, You Are Missing The Point!" satan's vile one world Sunday Churches in Great Tribulation & "The Bride knows she is to Keep MY Holy Days." "Bride uses OUR Holy Sacred Names"

  15. Fallen angels take over more Churches it will get worse! Fake Rod Parsley/others demonstrate. Many brothers/sisters won't listen, Go back. Don't test YAH FLEE It'll break you the pain's coming

    Fallen angels take over more Churches it will get worse! Fake Rod Parsley/others demonstrate. Many brothers/sisters won't listen, Go back. Don't test YAH FLEE It'll break you the pain's coming

  16. Amightywind Prophecy 51 - The Clarion Call Of The 144,000! The Book of Revelation Bride! "I YAHUVEH am time itself. Who else can stop time, speed it up, or back it up?"

    Amightywind Prophecy 51 - The Clarion Call Of The 144,000! The Book of Revelation Bride! "I YAHUVEH am time itself. Who else can stop time, speed it up, or back it up?"

  17. Pastor David Wilkerson (now in Heaven) Warned Of A "Persecution Madness" At true believers in JESUS (YAHUSHUA, Hebrew Translation) Many Filthy Churches. True Church Underground, Home Worship

    Pastor David Wilkerson (now in Heaven) Warned Of A "Persecution Madness" At true believers in JESUS (YAHUSHUA, Hebrew Translation) Many Filthy Churches. True Church Underground, Home Worship

  18. Prophecy 68 "Mock Me (YAHUVEH) If You Dare!" False prophets have nothing inside. YAH SAYS "You shall recognize each other by the anointing of the Spirit,." "and you shall recognize the anointing of the RUACH ha KODESH inside.&

    Prophecy 68 "Mock Me (YAHUVEH) If You Dare!" False prophets have nothing inside. YAH SAYS "You shall recognize each other by the anointing of the Spirit,." "and you shall recognize the anointing of the RUACH ha KODESH inside.&

  19. Amightywind Prophecy 51 (enhanced-louder volume, a special shofar intro) Clarion Call Of The 144,000, Fear Not MY Little Ones, "I AM" Is Raising Up A Standard Against The Evil Ones!

    Amightywind Prophecy 51 (enhanced-louder volume, a special shofar intro) Clarion Call Of The 144,000, Fear Not MY Little Ones, "I AM" Is Raising Up A Standard Against The Evil Ones!

  20. Celebrate AmightyWind Ministry's 30 Years Online and Elisheva Eliyahu's Birthday 2024 With Us Pt 1!!

    Celebrate AmightyWind Ministry's 30 Years Online and Elisheva Eliyahu's Birthday 2024 With Us Pt 1!!

  21. Amightywind Prophecy 67- Meteor Destruction Coming! Most Indepth Prophecy Exposing Antisemitism. Biblical Jewish Ways Hated Shunned Mocked by Professing Christians. YAH'S severe Chastisements for believing lies from hell

    Amightywind Prophecy 67- Meteor Destruction Coming! Most Indepth Prophecy Exposing Antisemitism. Biblical Jewish Ways Hated Shunned Mocked by Professing Christians. YAH'S severe Chastisements for believing lies from hell
