The "Raptured" Stepping Back/Away Vs. The Majority in Denial of Their Karmically Allotted Tribulations (That Can Also Look Like Stepping Back/Away) — GUESS WHAT! Good News is I STILL Can Only Say: You ARE on the Right Path! | #LongVsShortPath
LOL: Is Biden Saying FvkKk You to the Illuminati "Big-Wigs" Who Had Him Kicked Out of the Presidency? Side Note: NOOO, it's Not a Masonic Illuminati Ritual to Humiliate Him Though—This is Too-Good Marketing for Trump!
You've Role-Played BOTH Sides of Good and Evil —NOT ONLY— in Previous Lives, But in THIS Very Life! + Demons/Parasites, and What is The Matrix and How to Escape it... | RJ Spina
Why Rumble & YouTube Creators/Personalities Delete Your Comments! — NotaRubicon Productions Tells Us | WE in 5D: He Took The Words OUT of My Mouth! P.S. SO, MAKE YOUR FINAL COMMENT A REAL GOOD ONE. P.P.S. Anons/Qanon'ers Not Entertained Here!
RULES of the WE in 5D Channel + The Fanaticism & Poor-Vibration Paranoia NOT Accepted Here (w/ Indirect Help From NotaRubicon) | P.S. Anons/Qanon'ers Not Entertained Here! P.P.S. IF YOU'RE GOING FOR IT MAKE YOUR FINAL COMMENT A GOOD ONE.
"Sound of Freedom" [and Qtard Victim-Mentality] EXPOSED..?... — If So, This Becomes Evidence for What is Already True: Both Black and White Hats WORK to Manipulate Reality as THEY See Fit. If That Works for You, You're as Good as an NPC!
Toxic Soulmates Projecting Back and Forth at Each Other. If You're Looking to Kill a Good Timeline That Would Be it! | The Matrix Inspired "Out of Your Mind" by True Steppers, Dane Bowers, and Victoria Beckham.
𐌂Ƴ𐌂𐌋ꝊP𐌔 (2008 Full Movie) | Sci-Fi/Horror | Summary: This dazzling tale is set in ancient Rome. A corrupt emperor sends his best general to kill a deadly Cyclops but man and beast team up and try to overthrow him instead.