6 months ago

Source: The Highwire (Del Bigtree) with Dr. Ryan Cole
As I understand, examination of graphene nano-tech requires an electron scanning microscope (SEM). I hear no mention of this.
I also question the acquisition process. How old are this vaccine vile samples?
Did they acquire them directly from the pharmaceutical companies (which might have given them purer samples)? Are they all from the original batche(s)? If they have not been extremely cold, did some elements dissipate?
This proposes that there is NO graphene [oxide] found in over 100 samples.
As for "nano-technology" listen closely for every occurrence of this term.
As for "parasites", one allegedly shown in this introductory excerpt was immediately recognized and subsequently identified as natural microscopic leafy material. Dr. Cole, M.D pathologist, claims that the nano-tech being seen
is actually cholesterol crystals. Emphasis upon "claims" (no SEM).
IN THE END this vaccine and it production process was deemed a FAIL! 🚩
🚨 It is agreed that NO ONE should be allowing ANY of these vaccine to be injected into their bodies. Also, it is important to note that the spike protein was
"designed to break the blood-brain barrier" ( possibly paraphrased from memory ) NOT ONE, much less any additional "boosters" (not examined, here).
Date: "1 year ago" (ambiguous). Some time shortly after the D.C. hearings.
In this video the vaccines are all deemed "genetic/gene modifiers"🚩
➡️SEM claim: Dr. Robert Young (inventor of Master Peace), who claims to remove heavy metals, incl. graphene, plus some other toxins.
Here is one of the full video interviews (previously segmented and posted on ANCCR) on SGTreport. Blood Ph level should be maintained at a 8.4 ( -80mv )*
@ 18:00. https://rumble.com/v5b09mt-money-pox-who-declares-global-health-emergency-dr.-robert-young.html ELECTRON MICROSCOPY @ 42:37
(quote) "directed energy x-ray spectroscopy" 🔗www.britannica.com/science/spectroscopy
@58:06 (SEM) @58:36 "transmission scanning microscopy" @58:56 "scanning electron microscopy"
Ethylenediaminetetraacetic Acid (EDTA) is a chelation agent.
Chelation can remove needed healthy minerals, which are more important than vitamins to your health. (However, you need more vitamins than TRACE minerals). Chelation is used for removing heavy metals.
* Blood cells carry a negative charge. ( negative 80 to 110 millivolts, ideal )
🟡Supplement use should be individualized and discussed with a healthcare professional, such as a registered dietitian, pharmacist, or healthcare provider. No supplement is intended to treat, cure, or prevent disease.
⬇️AKALIZE YOUR BLOOD 🩸🧂🥦 Blood Ph runs 0-14 (8.3+ is the goal)
Unlike baking soda, baking powder is a complete leavening agent, meaning it contains both the base (sodium bicarbonate) and ACID needed for the product to rise.
Single- and double-acting baking powders are available, though single-acting varieties are typically only used by food manufacturers and not usually available for household use.
🟢How can you tell if your body is too alkaline or acidic?💚
The quickest way to get this information is to measure your body’s pH level by using pH level strips that you can purchase at your local pharmacy
The body’s optimal⬅️(NO! base/basic) pH is 7.36, which is just barely alkaline.
( copy-quoted from the develop good habits website )

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