9 months agoS4E82 | Jon Uhler LPC - Common Blockages Encountered in the Beginning Stages of D.I.D. TherapyThe Imagination PodcastVerified
8 months agoS4E91 | 'Renee' - Organized Chaos: Satanic Ritual Horrors, Targeted Trafficking & the Kentucky DerbyThe Imagination PodcastVerified
11 months agoS4E53 | “Dr. Marcel Polte - MK ULTRA, Ritual Abuse & Satanic Cult Connections, & Katy Groves Update”The Imagination PodcastVerified
9 months agoS4E83 | 'D' - MK ULTRA Survivor on Being Sex Trafficked in Las Vegas, Swinger Parties, & LV MafiaThe Imagination PodcastVerified
11 months agoS4E56 | “Kaity - Daughter of MK ULTRA Programmer, Sex Trafficking Survivor, & Time with Mena Suvari”The Imagination PodcastVerified
9 months agoS4E86 | #GATEgate - Gifted & Talented Education (GATE) & Talented & Gifted (TAG) Program ConspiracyThe Imagination PodcastVerified
10 months agoS4E70 | Tobias Schwartz Blass - Professional Remote Viewer/Trainer & Ex-Special Forces SniperThe Imagination PodcastVerified
8 months agoS4E92 | Daniel Forsythe - Targeted by the Darkness, Fighting a Faceless Enemy, & Saved by GraceThe Imagination PodcastVerified
9 months agoS4E85 | Jon Uhler LPC - How Far Along Are You in Your Trauma Therapy? How to Measure Your ProgressThe Imagination PodcastVerified
11 months agoS4E55 | Jon Uhler LPC - Sexual Psychopathy: How Men Become Violent Predators & Sadistic PerpetratorsThe Imagination PodcastVerified
11 months agoS4E57 | Jon Uhler LPC: Degrees of Deviance & Psychopathy in Men Who Commit Sexually Violent OffensesThe Imagination PodcastVerified
11 months agoS4E60 | Jon Uhler LCP: Assessing and Differentiating Between the Various Kinds of Sexual PsychopathsThe Imagination PodcastVerified
11 months agoS4E61 | Poppy Joy & Marie Freeman: SoulLight Power & Connection In Healing from Satanic Ritual AbuseThe Imagination PodcastVerified
11 months agoS4E62 | Carrie Olaje - Occult Butcher and Ritual Training, the Return from Hell, & Redeeming DemonsThe Imagination PodcastVerified
10 months agoS4E65 | Katie Lynn Navi - Trauma-Informed Transformational Storyteller, Ex-GATE Student & Web ModelThe Imagination PodcastVerified
10 months agoS4E63 | Jon Uhler LPC - Male Sadistic Sexual Psychopaths: What Drives Them to Offend?The Imagination PodcastVerified
10 months agoS4E66 | Jon Uhler LPC - How Different are the Minds and Brains of Sexual Psychopaths?The Imagination PodcastVerified
10 months agoS4E71 | Dr LoriAnne Page: Clinical Psychologist Exposes GATE/TAG Programs, Clonaid & Trauma RecoveryThe Imagination PodcastVerified
9 months agoS4E74 | Brian Vukadinovich - Rogues in Black Robes: Acclaimed Pro Se Exposes Judicial CorruptionThe Imagination PodcastVerified
9 months agoS4E75 | Katie Navi & Daniel Forsythe: Sovereign Health Rehab Center, MK ULTRA, & Adult GATE ProgramsThe Imagination PodcastVerified
9 months agoS4E76 | Jon Uhler LPC - Moving Forward in Therapy When Things Start to Shut Down on the InsideThe Imagination PodcastVerified
9 months agoS4E79 | Jon Uhler LPC - Understanding the Stages and Process of Therapy for SurvivorsThe Imagination PodcastVerified
9 months agoS4E78 | Caitlin - Child Rape Survivor's Pursuit to Find Fugitive Kevin Ahern & Uncovering L.A.The Imagination PodcastVerified
7 months agoAsia Raine - Inner Archaeologist Group Experience & Tracking Calendar Workshop STARTING Sept 8th!The Imagination PodcastVerified
10 months agoS4E67 | Cindy Metcalf - Relentless Hope: Combatting Ritual Abuse & Sex Trafficking in the LDS ChurchThe Imagination PodcastVerified