S4E61 | Poppy Joy & Marie Freeman: SoulLight Power & Connection In Healing from Satanic Ritual Abuse

11 months ago

Today I’m honored to introduce to you a testimony of hope and healing through survival and teamwork brought to you by an incredible duo who are both here today to share the struggles and triumphs of healing from satanic ritual abuse.

Introducing our first guest: Satanic ritual abuse and mind control survivor, first generational New Zealander credentialed counselor with a specialization in Narrative Therapy, communication skill small group training course facilitator, traditional herbal medicine advocate, retreat co-facilitator, and healing warrior, Poppy Joy

And our second guest: 50-year-old Kiwi Mother, healer helping survivors of Satanic Ritual Abuse and extreme trauma specializing in Brandon Bay’s ‘The Journey’ method of emotional release and cellular healing, and intuitive empath helping survivors to recover themselves and take over their soul-light power: Marie Freeman

Poppy and Marie are here today to share with you an incredible journey of healing from unfathomable events. Poppy is a Satanic ritual abuse survivor who has recently been liberated from an immense amount of trauma that her body was struggling to contain anymore. She hadn’t found the support she needed until things reached a psychotic peak after a therapist she had trusted embodied Baphomet and dealt out her version of ‘tough love’ as she called it.

She received some welcomed help and miraculously got herself into a safe living situation and could focus on herself more. Her physical symptoms got more and more chronic until she was mostly having bedrest, meditating, doing what she knew but was unable to let a pressure cooker pot of suppressed memories out.

It was then that Poppy met Marie who connected with her through her Mayan reports. Poppy would call Marie in moments of distress and panic and Marie would tell her she could work with her to support healing. But it took Poppy a while to trust, having been burned by others who do not understand the complexities that come with Satanic ritual abuse.

And what Poppy and Marie have discovered together is amazing. For example - due to the age and stage of SRA at 2 years old Poppy experienced, her eyesight and hearing never developed normally and her perceptions have been energetic, which means that she can observe the movement of energy, experience some telepathy, and with focus can see how black magic practices are done.

Poppy discovered that rituals are done to empower government legislation. She found how consciousnesses are connected to calendars and astrological systems and that rituals are performed with dates and planetary alignments. She is super-sensitive to cults and dangerous religions but did not become that way without having many dangerous experiences with them.
Church spiritual abuse had tainted her concepts of Father God and her Mayan connection and intuitive interactions with it brought me to know the true heavenly Father and connect with Him more while also being connected with Mother Earth.

Marie and Poppy’s story is important as it showcases the importance of finding what works right for your individual healing needs if you are a survivor, as well as finding the right person or team of people to help assist in your healing. Healing is the most important and crucial part of awakening from horrific abuse such as SRA, and all too often survivors are met with corrupt, complicit, cult-active, or negligent therapists and helpers who cause the survivor who was reaching out for help to retreat back into a place of conservation, silence and more trauma; once again let down by someone they took a risk to open up to.

YouTube: @MayanMissions

YouTube: @intuitivehealingmariefreeman

EMAIL: imagineabetterworld2020@gmail.com
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