FIRENADOS & UN-ROTHSCHILD ENGINEERED INFERNOS - Deborah Tavares | + Direct Links to the Illuminati "Secret Covenant" document & Video, and many other related videos, BELOW the video in the description box
"These hurricanes are CONTROLLED, we have the proof" Dane Wigington | Redacted w Clayton Morris | Link to The Dimming Geoengineering Documentary & other documentaries below in the description box
NWO EXTINCTION THREAT: What’s the most effective way to exterminate a population? STARVATION! What’s the only undetectable way to force a famine? WEATHER CONTROL! -- HAARP -- We Can Change WEATHER, Cause HURRICANES, Droughts, Floods, Earthquakes
Weather Wars – FEMA - and Equitable Mass Murder · Oct 8, 2024 Greg Reese · The NOT government BUT ROTHSCHILD CORPORATION MASQUERADING AS GOVERNMENT is no longer trying to hide, they are now killing us out in the open