2 months ago🚨national security council henry appel "(democrat zombie joe) biden Not In Control, dead in a year"levtcs
8 months agoliberal satanic democrat plantation cult klan Jill Biden Is DONE If This Goes VIRAL! 7-6-24 LFR FAMIlevtcs
9 months agoThe Grand Solar Minimum - Is there evidence in the Bible - PreviewBible Mysteries Podcast
2 months agozombie joe Biden & Democrat cult PANIC Over Trump FORCING Federal Employees BACK TO WORK OR BE FIREDlevtcs
2 months agodemocrat cult paid shill grifter harry sisson ok zombie joe biden spent presidency 40% on vacation😂levtcs
8 months agoliberal democrat dementia zombie Joe Biden dismisses young black woman who wanted to hug him! Did helevtcs
8 months agoNew York Times Says liberal satanic democrat zombie joe Biden Should DROP OUT After Debate DISASTERlevtcs
8 months agoTrump DERANGED Liberals RAGE AGAINST CNN For NOT RIGGING Debate ENOUGH For democrat zombie Joe Bidenlevtcs
8 months ago72% knew the truth liberal satanic democrat cult dementia zombie joe Biden only fit for nursing homelevtcs
8 months agoliberal satanic democrat cult klan fake news liars want people to think zombie joe Biden running USAlevtcs
8 months agoRapper Waka Flocka Flame Tells liberal satanic democrat cult klan zombie joe Biden Voters to LEAVE😳levtcs
8 months ago72% of Voters Say liberal satanic democrat plantation cult klan zombie joe Biden NOT FIT To Serve!levtcs
8 months agoTucker Carlson - liberal satanic democrat pretend they only knew the zombie in joe biden at debatelevtcs
8 months agodemocrat operation dump zombie joe Biden ADMITS Campaign IS DONE! Pelosi Ready to Choose NEW NOMINEElevtcs
8 months agodemocrat cult Pelosi SHANKS democrat cult demented zombie joe Biden MULTIPLE Senators Call For DropNEWSSMEDIAA
8 months agodemocrat Kamala Pelosi In zombie joe Biden Debate Damage control tells people not believe their eyeslevtcs
8 months agodemocrat dementia zombie joe Biden's physician met w/ parkison disease specialist at White House Whylevtcs
8 months agoLIBeralS FREAK OUT Over NYT Abandoning zombie joe BIDEN; Call POTUS Coverage 'UNPATRIOTIC'levtcs
8 months agoGeriatric Doctor Speaks Out, liberal democrat cult demented zombie joe Biden Refuses to Step Asidelevtcs
7 months agothe demented zombie in joe Biden exposed liberal democrat operation dump zombie joe by freezing $90Mlevtcs