YAH'S Prophecy 116 (On Yom Kippur, the old version) You Must Be Faith Water Walkers! "Just as in the days of old, I provided miracles and nothing has changed."
Prophecy 69 - “There Is A Coming Of The Changing Of The Guards!” satan boasts how he can Clone/Copy-Paste false Prophets/man says he's god/holy replaced by evil ones/faith in Science & Gov. and more
Prophecy 73 Excerpts satan mocks YAHUSHUA'S Second Coming "the BLUE BEAM RAPTURE, which is no rapture, for it is evil being caught away" "When they say Jesus is here Don't GO" HE will come to you
Pres. Trump saved millions of children from sex abuse! YAH SAID IT! 2020 Amightywind Prophecy 153 Excerpts Also warnings about Vaccines/Poisoned Air Food Water/5G/Schools!
Amightywind Prophecy 101 - "I will protect those who are MINE and the enemies own weapons shall consume them." Eugenicists, Madmen, satanists will all go down in Defeat!
Prophecy 73 Excerpts satan mocks YAHUSHUA'S Second Coming "the BLUE BEAM RAPTURE, which is no rapture, for it is evil being caught away" "When they say Jesus is here Don't GO" HE will come to you - FULL PROPHECY IN DESCRIPTIO