Messiah's Praise Worthy Women E5 Seeing Mary's Faith

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We often hear about Mary, Yeshua's mother as a great woman of God and a woman of faith. If we look at her actions, we see someone who submitted to whatever authority God put over her. But why? What did she believe in? What made that submission worth it? Clearly she and her husband Joseph must've shared a common goal. And she must've seen him as someone much more than "Mr. Mary". As the rightful heir to David's throne, Joseph son of David had a special responsibility to God because of the Davidic covenant. More so than even the rest of the House of David. Being betrothed to marry Joseph, Mary knew she would be entering into that same higher level of the Davidic covenant and the greater responsibilities involved alongside her husband. This shared duty however could not be accomplished without one vital ingredient. Faith. Faith in the promises of the covenants (with David and with Israel) and of prophecy.

What was her motivator for submitting to Joseph's authority to get up and travel across the desert into Egypt with a newborn child? How did Joseph know he could trust her to submit and work with him to accomplish their shared mission with each move after that? The answer lies in what she believed. Faith. In something real, not just a feeling that God is good generically. Believing in the specific promises and prophecies He had given. Faith is what made her submit and give up worrying about their safety, to Joseph as his responsibility. Faith is why she said "Behold the handmaid of Adonai". Faith is the reason behind it all. She believed and so she acted accordingly. She obeyed the voice of God and she followed His authority in her life.

In this discussion we look at Mary's faith. What were these promises and the hope that both Joseph and Mary were looking for? What prophecies were running through Mary's mind when she heard the angel Gabriel's words about Yeshua? Join us in seeing Mary's faith and get a look into the mindset of Messiah's Davidic family at 8pm CT tonight!

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