8 months agoNanostructuring Proteins for Improved Biosensors For Health & Environmental Monitoring: Bradley Olsen, MIT.nano 2018nonvaxer420
1 month agoThe reason people drink raw milk is so their immune systems are adaptive to threatsCanadian Citizens Journal
5 months agoThe SPARS PLandemic 2025–2028, Not Planned Huh!😉 WhatsHerFace 🔴SEE DESC🔴AetherMedia22 Tony Punch
5 months agoMRNA – Why mRNA? Stephane Bancel of Moderna - Installing "Operating Systems"Waking the World up
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10 months agoPfizer Docs Prove FDA Hid Vaccine Dangers for Teens, Lied and Said it is SafeBiological Medicine
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5 months agoJust As They Simulated! The WHO Declares A World Emergency Over MonkeyPox!AetherMedia22 Tony Punch
6 months agoYOU Need To Know What They Just Said (Plans Exposed) Steve, JW TvAetherMedia22 Tony Punch
11 months agoIn 1988, Prince Philip said he'd like to reincarnate as a deadly virus to solve "overpopulation".Not MSM