In 1988, Prince Philip said he'd like to reincarnate as a deadly virus to solve "overpopulation".

1 year ago

Born in 1885, Princess Alice was the great granddaughter of Britain’s Queen Victoria. She married Prince Andrew of Greece and moved to Athens with her new husband. She was intensely unhappy. A religious Christian, Alice watched as her husband drifted into a life of dissolution. With the rise of Nazism in the 1930s, her three daughters all became ardent Fascists and married Nazi officials. Only her son Philip*, King Charles' father, defied Nazism, moving to England and fighting with distinction in the British air force during World War II.

*It is usually futile to try to talk facts and analysis to people who are enjoying a sense of moral superiority in their own ignorance.

— Thomas Sowell

Prince Philip & eugenics📌🔺⚠️

Remember,just because they're famous and wear pinstripe suits doesn't mean they're not an international body of criminals with a complex and ruthless behavioral code.

Mirrored from / Original Video Source: PeppiDiCapri -

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