1. Comic Book Haul #87: True Crimes Trading Cards, Eclipse Comics, 1992 [ASMR]

    Comic Book Haul #87: True Crimes Trading Cards, Eclipse Comics, 1992 [ASMR]

  2. Ole Dammegård om "Oluf Palme-mordet" - Del 1

    Ole Dammegård om "Oluf Palme-mordet" - Del 1

  3. Dr. Astrid Stuckelberger delve into the dark underbelly of global organizations

    Dr. Astrid Stuckelberger delve into the dark underbelly of global organizations

  4. Reading “Iran-Contra Scandal" Trading Cards, Card #9: The La Penca Bomber, Identity Unknown [ASMR]

    Reading “Iran-Contra Scandal" Trading Cards, Card #9: The La Penca Bomber, Identity Unknown [ASMR]

  5. Reading “Iran-Contra Scandal" Trading Cards, Card #24: Theodore Shackley, Former CIA Agent [ASMR]

    Reading “Iran-Contra Scandal" Trading Cards, Card #24: Theodore Shackley, Former CIA Agent [ASMR]

  6. Oliver Stone - Ukraine on Fire - full documentary

    Oliver Stone - Ukraine on Fire - full documentary

  7. CONTACT #88 | Trump va tout casser à Washington - Charles Gave (par Stéphan Bureau)

    CONTACT #88 | Trump va tout casser à Washington - Charles Gave (par Stéphan Bureau)

  8. Bertrand SCHOLLER : les adorateurs du diable, Khazars & Vampires, vont jouer leur joker antechrist ?

    Bertrand SCHOLLER : les adorateurs du diable, Khazars & Vampires, vont jouer leur joker antechrist ?

  9. The Dirty History of Blood Thirsty Ukraine

    The Dirty History of Blood Thirsty Ukraine

  10. Reading “Iran-Contra Scandal" Trading Cards #10: Rene Corvo and Felipe Vidal, CIA "Assets" [ASMR]

    Reading “Iran-Contra Scandal" Trading Cards #10: Rene Corvo and Felipe Vidal, CIA "Assets" [ASMR]

  11. Florian PHILIPPOT : La 3è guerre mondiale vient-elle de démarrer en Ukraine ?

    Florian PHILIPPOT : La 3è guerre mondiale vient-elle de démarrer en Ukraine ?

  12. Various comments on the conflict with Russia

    Various comments on the conflict with Russia

  13. Victoria Nuland Explains Why Ukraine Wasn't Able to Join NATO in 2008

    Victoria Nuland Explains Why Ukraine Wasn't Able to Join NATO in 2008

  14. BBC - The First World War - Part 8 of 10 - Revolution (1917)

    BBC - The First World War - Part 8 of 10 - Revolution (1917)

  15. VANQUISH Gameplay Walkthrough EP.3- War On The Front FULL GAME

    VANQUISH Gameplay Walkthrough EP.3- War On The Front FULL GAME

  16. Protests erupt in Venezuela after disputed election

    Protests erupt in Venezuela after disputed election

  17. VANQUISH Gameplay Walkthrough EP.5- Argus FULL GAME

    VANQUISH Gameplay Walkthrough EP.5- Argus FULL GAME

  18. VANQUISH Gameplay Walkthrough EP.2- Iron Machines FULL GAME

    VANQUISH Gameplay Walkthrough EP.2- Iron Machines FULL GAME
