1. Jesus Calling - Daily Devotional - December 24th

    Jesus Calling - Daily Devotional - December 24th

  2. THE INNOCENT & RIGHTEOUS BLOOD OF THE ISRAELITES COMPLAIN: “ They cried saying How long, O Lord, holy & true, dost thou not judge & avenge our blood on them that dwell on the earth?”🕎 Job 3;10-22 There the wicked cease from troubling

    THE INNOCENT & RIGHTEOUS BLOOD OF THE ISRAELITES COMPLAIN: “ They cried saying How long, O Lord, holy & true, dost thou not judge & avenge our blood on them that dwell on the earth?”🕎 Job 3;10-22 There the wicked cease from troubling

  3. A Kingdom of Unholy Priests and An Unholy Nation

    A Kingdom of Unholy Priests and An Unholy Nation

  4. ETYMOLOGY, THE ROOT MEANING OF WORDS “government” - late 14c., "act of governing or ruling;" “system by which a thing is governed" from Old French "control, direction, administration" 🕎Matthew 19:28 KJV

    ETYMOLOGY, THE ROOT MEANING OF WORDS “government” - late 14c., "act of governing or ruling;" “system by which a thing is governed" from Old French "control, direction, administration" 🕎Matthew 19:28 KJV

  5. So the Jews DON’T have to bomb entire cities? 🤔🤔🤔

    So the Jews DON’T have to bomb entire cities? 🤔🤔🤔

  6. We are David's Tabernacle (and Resolving Issues Between Churches) - Acts 15:12-41

    We are David's Tabernacle (and Resolving Issues Between Churches) - Acts 15:12-41

  7. ✝️👑️ Nebuchadnezzar's Dream! Daniel 2 Explained. 😴️💤️

    ✝️👑️ Nebuchadnezzar's Dream! Daniel 2 Explained. 😴️💤️

  8. ✍️🧱️ The Hand-Writing on the Wall! Daniel 5 with Commentary. 🙏

    ✍️🧱️ The Hand-Writing on the Wall! Daniel 5 with Commentary. 🙏

  9. 🦁️🥩️ Thrown into the Lion's Den! Daniel 6 Explained. 🙏

    🦁️🥩️ Thrown into the Lion's Den! Daniel 6 Explained. 🙏

  10. 🚨️ Daniel's Vision of the Ram and the He-goat! Daniel 8 W/ Commentary. 🔥️

    🚨️ Daniel's Vision of the Ram and the He-goat! Daniel 8 W/ Commentary. 🔥️

  11. Part 1 Israel is the Global Leader in ILLEGAL organ, trafficking!!

    Part 1 Israel is the Global Leader in ILLEGAL organ, trafficking!!

  12. Revelation 11: Two Witnesses, Temple, Seventh Trumpet - #Jesus #endtimes #apocalypse

    Revelation 11: Two Witnesses, Temple, Seventh Trumpet - #Jesus #endtimes #apocalypse

  13. American Jew IDF member caught to justifying murder

    American Jew IDF member caught to justifying murder

  14. GIVING UP THE GHOST : THE SPIRITUAL HEAVENLY REALM “the innocent and righteous blood crieth unto me, and the souls of the just complain continually.” 🕎 Job 3;10-22 “There the wicked cease from troubling & there the weary be at rest”

    GIVING UP THE GHOST : THE SPIRITUAL HEAVENLY REALM “the innocent and righteous blood crieth unto me, and the souls of the just complain continually.” 🕎 Job 3;10-22 “There the wicked cease from troubling & there the weary be at rest”

  15. THE MOST HIGH CHARIOTS, SPEED OF LIGHTNING (UFOS) : THE ANGELS ARE NAVIGATING THE FLYING ROLL!! “Fear not: for they that be with us are more than they that be with them”🕎Revelation 1:7 “he cometh with clouds & every eye shall see him”

    THE MOST HIGH CHARIOTS, SPEED OF LIGHTNING (UFOS) : THE ANGELS ARE NAVIGATING THE FLYING ROLL!! “Fear not: for they that be with us are more than they that be with them”🕎Revelation 1:7 “he cometh with clouds & every eye shall see him”

  16. BODYBUILDER Cedric McMillan MOMENTS BEFORE HE DIED : THESE BODIES ARE DEATH, WE LOOK FOR THE IMMORTAL BODIES…“Who shall change our vile body, that it may be fashioned like unto his glorious body”🕎1 Corinthians 15:44-54 “The 144,000 Elect”

    BODYBUILDER Cedric McMillan MOMENTS BEFORE HE DIED : THESE BODIES ARE DEATH, WE LOOK FOR THE IMMORTAL BODIES…“Who shall change our vile body, that it may be fashioned like unto his glorious body”🕎1 Corinthians 15:44-54 “The 144,000 Elect”
