Grant Berry with Roger Homefield 3/14/2024

11 months ago

GRANT BERRY is a Messianic believer in Yeshua/Jesus and was born in London, England. Grant is married to Hali Berry, and they have five children. He is the founder of Reconnecting Ministries and Producer of The Romans 911 Project. As a Prophetic Intercessor, he has carried this burden of Reconnection from the Father for His family to reunite in The One New Man (TONM) between believing Jews and Gentiles in the Ekklesia/Church. Grant has received a commission from the Lord to help reintroduce love and unity in the family of God, according to Yeshua/Jesus’s prayer in John 17.

Through his writing and speaking, both in the US, Israel, and internationally, Grant&Hali build bridges of understanding between Israel’s Remnant (Jewish believers) and God’s children from the nations to help them Reconnect spiritually to one another and Realign the Church to Israel. Through his teachings on prayer, he is helping to mobilize an army of watchmen and watchwomen to pray in the final Reformations for the Ekklesia/Church to prepare the Bride for the last great awakening and the Lord’s return.

Grant has written five books, The New Covenant Prophecy, The Ezekiel Generation, Romans 911 – Time to Sound the Alarm! Romans 911 Study Guide, and The Reconnection Mandate. He also writes for Charisma Magazine on Reconnection Issues.

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