Joseph Z | What Is Going On With America & The World As We Know It? Wars & Rumours of Wars, Pestilences, BRICS-Lead De-dollarization & Weather Weaponization? Yuval Noah Harari Changing the Times & the Laws?
Elon Musk | Why Did Elon Musk Say? "We Can Do a Full Brain Machine Interface. Ultimately, to Achieve Sort of a Symbiosis With Artificial Intelligence." - Elon Musk (July 17th 2019)
Bird Flu | "First US Human Death from Bird Flu In LA." - 1/6/25 (NBC) + "What Is the Ratio of Humanoid Robots to Humans? At Least 4 to 1." + "Computers Smarter Than Humans, But They Take Care of the Humans." - Elon Musk
Elon Musk | "I Think We Should Have Some Kind of Hardwired Local Cutoff (For Artificial Intelligence) That You Can't Update from the Internet. Anything That Can Be Software Updated from the Internet Can Obviously Be Overwritten."
Yuval Noah Harari | "We Have Created Something That Can Take Power Away. We Are Losing Control of the World to Something Else. Once You Have Fully Autonomous (AI) Weapons, All of the Weapons Are Obsolete." - 12/8
Yuval Noah Harari | "History Began When Humans Invented Gods & History Will End When Humans Become Gods. We Are Now Acquiring Divine Abilities of Destruction & Creation. We Are In the Process of Creating Gods."