Ally: All of Us, A to Z

1 year ago

Please don't be focused on the big names or the bloodlines Ally mentions here.
The message is child sex slavery, child sex trafficking and child rape and torture.
Ally is just a messenger based on her experiences.
If we lose this vital message and get distracted by insignificant things, we lose our focus and we lose the ability to fight for the millions of children being sold into sex slavery.
It is up to each of us to save them.
Humanity is at a precipice, and we have one shot to get this right.
We have one shot to make our voices heard on behalf of every child.
They are depending on us!
We can not fail them!!!
I am asking each of you personally, will you stand in this fight??
Don't stand for Ally. Stand because of the crimes being committed against humanity.
Stand for our children.
Lastly, no money merchandise, or fees should ever be sought after or gained. If you see that, please know anyone asking for money is trafficking the truth, and that makes them complicit!!!

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