7 months agoGermans Must Receive Covid Booster Every 3 Months to Qualify as 'Vaccinated'Biological Medicine
7 months agoDr. Byram Bridle: "C-19 is a disease. You can test positive for the virus and not have a disease"Asher Press
4 months agoThe Vaccinated Are Getting AIDS: Deaths In Germany Surge 276% As Immunocompromised Drop DeadConcerned for Truth
2 months agoDr. 'Lee Merritt': coming STAGED 'PLANDEMIC and the total fraud of 'virology' and 'PCR' “positives”Biological Medicine
4 months agoKimberly Overton – Whistleblower Nurse – Covid was Hospital Holocaust & Vents are New “Gas Chambers”Waking the World up
8 months ago🐔🐄 Looks Like the Globalist Scumbags Are Pushing Yet Another Scamdemic to Murder More People and Now Livestock Too! DO NOT COMPLY!Real Truth Real NewsVerified
8 months agoWorld Economic Forum Promote World Health Organization Fraudulent Pandemic ResponseAlice Springs To MindVerified