World Economic Forum Promote World Health Organization Fraudulent Pandemic Response

9 months ago

The World Economic Forum promoted the response of the World Health Organization to the Covid pandemic.

1. Expand, train and deploy health care workers. This might make sense if sensible training was available. Instead, staff without the correct qualifications are taught the wrong interventions such as contact tracing for an airborne virus which floats on air currents for hours to days, isolating perfectly healthy people, and donning personal protective equipment without the usual specific criteria.

2. Implementing a system to "find every case". Based on the case definition of anyone with a positive screening test, this serves to ensure a high false positive rate including in people sick with other conditions as well as the healthy.

3. Increase production capacity and availability of testing. The testing used during Covid created a 'testdemic' of people who either end up with a false positive test, or in the case of true positives, detects a fragment of virus without saying anything about their infectivity to others or their own health condition. Ramping up testing helped to ramp up numbers without telling anything at all about the health status of individuals or the population.

4. Identify and adapt key isolation facilities. This led to the quarantine of healthy people for absolutely no reason, and caused enormous personal, family and social disruption to lives and livelihoods.

5. Develop a clear plan and process for quarantine. Again, served no purpose other than disruption.

6. Refocus whole of government on suppressing and controlling the virus. This also led to extreme disruption as all other aspects to society came undone, including health care for other, far more serious conditions.

Meanwhile the evidence based recommendations for a pandemic, outlined by World Health Organization in 2019, were completely disbanded whilst interventions they specifically recommended against were implemented. The purpose appears to have been societal disruption for the benefit of those making the recommendations. Humanity will be plundered relentlessly by these entities if we allow this to happen again.


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