( -0837 ) What Do They Really Mean By Smart Cities Like in Los Angeles, New Orleans, & Las Vegas? Will Fear Marshall Compliance or Have Too Many Woken Up?
( -0826 ) Are Pelosi's Insider Trading Activities Connected to the Murder of UHC CEO Brian Thompson, Who Was To Testify On Related Matters a Week Before the Shooting?
( -0825 ) UHC CEO Shooting Suspect Mangione Reposted Theil & Mike Benz References - Brought His Incriminating Evidence to a Micky D's? - Also Mika vs Maddow, & Unexplained Sightings
( -0842 ) You Weren't Fooled - The Fabian Socialists' 'Medical Mafia' is Becoming TRANSPARENT to the Worldwide Public - A Tipping Point - Eustace Mullins Exposed Them Early On
( -0828 ) Why Did Mysterious Drones Pick New Jersey - Good Guys? - Tracking? - Blue Beam? - Is NJ (Such as Grover's Mill) the Perfect Setting for a Psyop?
( -0830 ) UFO Disclosure Psyop, White Hats Threat-Tracking, or Worldwide Push For New Laws -Problem-Reaction-Solution ( & Clif High's 2009 Web Bot Prediction )