R&B Weekly Seminar: R&B Medical Fellowship (Episode #153 -- Nov. 19th, 2024) From Mengele Medicine to Messianic Medicine: Establishing the Dr. Vladimir Zelenko School of Medicine in the New Jerusalem. Founder and President MR. Frank Zelenko
R&B Weekly Seminar: R&B Medical Fellowship (Episode #155 -- Tuesday, December 3rd, 2024). Topic: "From Mengele Medicine to Mashiach Medicine: Establishing the Dr. Vladimir Zelenko School of Medicine in the New Jerusalem"
#Truthfully Trisha, Let's dissect her CONTINUAL LIES. LIE after LIE after LIE after LIE after LIE. #LivingInThePast #Hear the ACTUAL "TRUTH" & NOT "her "STORY"! CHARISMA MY ARSE!