#Truthfully Trisha, Let's dissect her CONTINUAL LIES. LIE after LIE after LIE after LIE after LIE. #LivingInThePast #Hear the ACTUAL "TRUTH" & NOT "her "STORY"! CHARISMA MY ARSE!

7 months ago

👉🏽 OUR YOUTUBE LIVE from: 7 30 24! 👈🏽
Join us for the REPLAY on RUMBLE!
Yah, sooooo the NEVER ENDING JOB of CALLING OUT #TruthfullyTrisha, continues!
LETTTTTTTS watch a video and be VERY CLEAR about the LIES she is SPEAKING, shall we?~
Wondering if #TruthfullyTrisha is actually as bad as Dr. Phil showed her to be?
THE ANSWER IS---Hell to the YES!
SHE LITERALLY STRIPS ON CAMERA on YOUTUBE. RUBS herself, oils herself, and then laughs when people are offended, saying SHE IS GONNA DO WHATEVER SHE WANTS!
Her children and parent and family are MORTIFIED, embarrassed, humiliated, disappointed & disgusted. BUT SHE DOES NOT CARE and PUBLICLY STATES that NO ONE is going to tell her what to do.
We present LIVE VIDEO REACTIONS on YOUTUBE, to SHOW THE TRUTH of her #THEFTBYDECEPTION, begging for money and gifts because she has MENTAL HEALTH ISSUES.
THAT is an excuse, her GO TO excuse, whenever she needs to GET OUT OF TROUBLE for doing and saying HORRENDOUS THINGS. HAS NOT ONCE had a regular therapist, ONLY SEEING THE DOCTOR to refill her ADDERALL, which she does not take as directed. SHE HAS BEEN KNOWN TO SNORT IT and TO TAKE FAR TOO MUCH, aka SHE USES IT RECREATIONALLY.
She also enjoys recreational Xanax, 420 vapes, plus beer & wine, claiming she is SOBER because she doesn't drink WHISKEY anymore.
She is an emotional vampire, who actually KNOWS the truth, but REFUSES to admit it. She thinks she is pretty darn special and of course, rules were not made for her!
She considers herself an INFLUENCER and believes she is GOING TO BE A STAR!
Bought herself 50,000 subs to get there!
YAH cos......she claims to have 77,200 subs.
She gets less the 500 views on new videos, unless she BUYS them, at which point, HER VIEWS SHOOT UP TO 100,000 views on a video, and then gets 432 views on the next video.
Gets an average of THREE COMMENTS PER VIDEO....!!
OH YES, please tell me ALL about
Let me see that CHARISMA and that PERSONALITY that everyone WANTS TO SEE 🤣!

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