Peskov explained why Durov was not detained in Russia. “Terrorists use Telegram. But they also use cars. Why aren’t they arresting the CEO of Renault or Citroen?”
Elon Musk | "Everything We've Developed for Our Cars, the Batteries, Advanced Motors, the AI Inference Computer, It All Applies to a Humanoid Robot. Your Own Personal R2D2, C3PO. This Will Be the Biggest Product Ever."
Bitcoin | "When I Wrote This Book (The Fourth Industrial Revolution), Some of the Reaction, Oh This Is Science Fiction. Today, Bitcoin Have Become a Reality of Our Lives. Self-Driving Cars, etc..) - Klaus Schwab (May 13th 2019)
Yuval Noah Harari | "Suddenly, Quickly We Will Find Ourselves Living Inside a Culture Coming Out of the Imaginations of a Non-Organic Entity." "Suddenly 3 Million Cars Will Be Able to Drive Themselves With No One." - Musk