JUAN O SAVIN- THE FUTURE LOOKS GOOD - James Grundvig 11 11 2024

3 months ago

Unrestricted Warfare Ep. 197 with James Grundvig on Veterans day. And Juan is still congested but soldiers on.
The Future is going to be bright but we have a bit of conflict and the dying gasps and machinations of Satans minions. You do understand our lives were run by "overloards" and they got by with MURDER. This will be a time of winnowing and JUSTICE. It cuts out suddenly as Juan lost signal. But not before he said there will be FLYING CARS.. and new Technology that will make "flyover country" the place to be! Lots of great content but you will have to endure the congestion issue... more prayers of healing for Juan everyone! He meets with the Brunson Brothers for more work on the SCOTUS petition for redress of grievances protected by amendment one of the Constitution and hearing on their Lawsuit that would turn over the tables. Now is the time to look into https://loybrunson.com/ and sign the petition. New Sheriff in town. PRESIDENT TRUMP IS BACK!!!
To see the whole show... it is here Red Pill Project James Grundvigs new channel like and subscribe: https://rumble.com/v5ofo9n-justice-is-coming-with-juan-o-savin-unrestricted-warfare-ep.-197.html
I am going to put up a short explanation of the 14th Amendment because it is getting wildly over predicted as to the other shoe dropping on Trump by the time he gets to the certification of the election on Jan 6 2025. Here is a timeline https://www.archives.gov/electoral-college/key-dates
What Juan thinks will happen is very interesting. Fraud is discussed and how they have "figured" out in down ballot close elections. Truth is we won:
The Presidency in a Landslide with 312 Electoral Votes.
The Senate with a 53-47 Republican rout with 4 flipped seats.
The House announced 218 Republicans won with two more leading (majority) 220-206
We have 27 Governors Red States with 23 Blue.
Looking good America now to unite the Rhinos and "patriots" that seem to be infighting with many of our best and brightest.

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