( -0830 ) UFO Disclosure Psyop, White Hats Threat-Tracking, or Worldwide Push For New Laws -Problem-Reaction-Solution ( & Clif High's 2009 Web Bot Prediction )
( -0838 ) a Climate of Bad Intent - LA Fires Rage While Adam Schiff's Dark World is Threatened ( Plus Facing Strange Realities After Speilberg's 'CIA Disclosure' Failed )
( -0836 ) Unheard Victims, Unheard Conspiracies of Controlled Politicians - Does the World of Crypto Tie Into a Smart City Agenda 2030 Build Back Better Agenda
( -0836 ) [fix on the way - skip forward from 34:47-34:57] Unheard Victims, Unheard Conspiracies of Controlled Politicians - Does the World of Crypto Tie Into a Smart City 2030 Build Back Better Agenda
( -0826 ) Are Pelosi's Insider Trading Activities Connected to the Murder of UHC CEO Brian Thompson, Who Was To Testify On Related Matters a Week Before the Shooting?
( -0821 ) Anneke Lucas - Rockefeller's 'Excitement' (How Does This Compare With Ally Carter & Cathy O'Brien's Memories & Allegations [Among Others]) Monarch Hollywood Handlers pt. 1