Red Alert!! The $750 is a LOAN!! & "EMINENT DOMAIN" = BULLSHIT! THE SO CALLED "government" IS A PRIVATE FOREIGN BRITISH CROWN ROTHSCHILD CORPORATION!!! | They are STEALING Homes from North Carolinans by Eminent Domain | LAND GRAB
ETYMOLOGY, THE ROOT MEANING OF WORDS “sport” - c. 1400, "take pleasure, enjoy or amuse oneself," from Old French desporter, "to divert, please; to seek amusement," etymologically "carry away" 🕎Psalms 83;1-9 KJV
Games from the Crypt 2024: Kirby's Halloween Adventure (Nes Rom Hack) Part 1 - No Treats for Kirby This Halloween Season,just Dastardly Tricks instored for him in this Horror Themed Rom Hack to an NES Classic!