3 months ago

This is an educational video update explaining History of Land in Aotearoa-NewZealande & Australia.
1. The Deeds claims, 2. the Titles claims, the
3. Torrens Land Transfers claims &
4. The Digital system of Lands & its owners registered to wall street as Cattle SECURITIES STOCKS & BONDS is all power controlled by America neonazi lgbt Death Cult internet artificial intelligence dictators - false claim. Microchipping of humans for chronic surveillance tracking as WiFi CREDITORS to withdraw off until death. This is demoniac evil asserted by the covid19 scamdemic LOCKDOWNS & installation of their 5g Tower structure military bioweapons, SMART Cities plans, SMART street lights led poisoning accelerated cancers, vaccines genocide, Smart meters scanners causing Heart failure, Wake up people...
It's a Declaration of War cycle by GCSB nations to Recover their Dirty DEBT! Their crown-vatican-rothschilds queen is deceased, America's Debt is $39 Trillion. THEY ARE IN DEEP DEBT - WE ARE CREDITORS targeted individuals. All 1st Nation Lands are unextinguishable under 1st Maori King orders 1800s protected by our
Akaroa-Aotearoa, as the alternate now, the Judiciary & financial system is at an emperial collapse, there is a backup that's grounded.
Rise Up WAKE UP, Stand Up to this collapsing empire and say No to the Microchip brain chip Digital System of Satan! Hiding these corporations blackrock, goldmans saches, AIG American International Group insurance bankers. We also calculate in this Judgement Lands & Banks to New York wall st including colonial warlord Rothschilds bankers, JP Morgan, Hongkong Shanghai Bank-Deutcha Bank-Swiss Banks of Europe. International Settlement Bankers, militarised weaponised with Insurance scam claims. The crown-vatican-rothschilds-rockerfella Days are numbered. They have been weighed on the Scales & Found Guilty. All these dirty New York Satanic ritual cult companies with CIA-FBI intelligence darpa-Haarp-whitehouse gone rogue. Where is Justice? JUSTICE IS COMING to judge these Evil Villans. STOP Electronic Probation & Slavery systems. POWER TO THE PEOPLE! Return Native Lands to 1st Nation Indigenous Guardianship - Forced Receivership Notices to Parliament Foreign imposters. Shutdown their prison Fema Camps plans agenda2030 targeting innocent people. Nuremberg Trials 2.0 ahead for Vaccine euthanasia war crimes by politicians-media-medic military is Adolf Hitlers legacy continued.
Further Conclusion: NESARA-GESARA liberation move?

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