6 months agoSUPREME COURT AR15s Finally Happening? SOON! Maryland FPC Case will be the One, I Predict!Tom Grieve
2 months agoSTOP SURRENDERING Your 4th Amendment DAILY! Loophole exposes YOU, Single Purpose Container DoctrineTom Grieve
6 months agoATF's CRAZY Argument DESTROYED: NEW Pistol Brace RULING! 8th circuit Shuts down ATFTom Grieve
15 days agoTHEY'RE GETTING A TASTE OF THEIR OWN MEDICINE, AND IT'S GLORIOUS!Mark Dice | Ben Shapiro | Tucker Carlson | Steven Crowder | Charlie Kirk ✅
4 months agoNew MAJOR Gun Control Attack: Your State or DC Next?! New York State Invents anti 2nd Amendment PushTom Grieve
7 months agoANTI-GUNS to PRO GUNS: REAL demonstration with a protestor, CCW, handguns, AR-15sTom Grieve
1 month agoHusband Who 'Refused' To Shake Kamala Harris' Hand Is 'Trash': The Essence Of MAGANewsVids
9 months ago"Militia" in 2nd Amendment: Why? Colonial + Early Republic Gun Laws with Dr. Joyce MalcolmTom Grieve
6 months agoCrazy Stories from Gun Stores by Mike Kwiatkowski, Weird Customers, Shifty things, and a Good TimeTom Grieve
10 months agoLaura Loomer Asks Peter Brimelow About the Anti-White Legal System of New YorkLoomer Unleashed ClipsVerified
8 months agoBIG Supreme Court Gun Case Statistics Past+Future, Heller, McDonald, Bruen, Caetano, ConferencesTom Grieve
11 months agoAR15+Semi Automatic Crisis: Largest Gun Ban in History Potentially? Supreme Court Garland v CargilTom Grieve
9 months agoDEA "Legalizing" Marijuana GUN OWNER TRAP? Supreme Court, "unlawful user" "addicted" Now What?Tom Grieve
10 months agoATTACKED! Shot Back! CRAZY Real Story Shot 15 times with 45 ACP How did he live?Tom Grieve
24 days agoHakeem Jeffries slithers his way through another press conference with Satan at his sideTopographic
5 months agoFederal Court: 4473, Straw Purchase and More in Court! WIN or LOSE? US v Maney, 9th CircuitTom Grieve
9 months agoKNOW THIS Machine Gun Law NOW + FUTURE NFA , GCA 1968, FOPA Hughes Amendment 1986, TransferablesTom Grieve