Project 2025 Part 7 Obama America’s Goebbels

7 months ago

Project 2025 Part 7
Obama America’s Goebbels

This guy was all about building narratives no matter how stupid they were because as Goebbels once said tell a lie often enough and it becomes the truth. Obama’s conspiracies were doozies. The way he used government funds to toss favors to buy needed votes for Obamacare was stunning. It was so Venezuelaesque that it smelled of bananas and socialism. Nancy Pelosi displayed her true nature by saying “We have to pass this bill to find out what’s in it!” Like it was going to be Christmas morning all over again. What an utter moron!
Obamacare had a lot to do with the rise of the tea party. The amusing part was that the imagery tossed back at the left had once been their own. They were a bit upset. It too was right out of rules for radicals by Saul Alinsky who wrote that once the left seized power, they’d be dealing with the same tactics they had used to take power. Obama was the one who really weaponized government. Clinton started down that path but Obama really put it to use. Tea Party members and leaders were audited by the IRS which led to an investigation or two. Just a bit before the reelection of Obama we had his open mike moment with Medvedev where he told him to let Putin know he’d have more latitude after the election was over and then we had Benghazi.
When the Benghazi attack on our consulate in Libya blew up, Obama’s administration tossed a short film maker in jail for a year blaming him not Hillary for the attack. Operators in the area saw it coming a long time before it occurred. It was the day after the election that he was sentenced to a year in jail. This was Obama’s reelection. That Benghazi failure was still hanging around her neck when she ran for President. Glenn Beck did a great show one night on FOX regarding the Arab spring. He pointed out that Obama had sent Cass Sunstein to the Middle East to meet with certain groups. All of them were tied to Soros. Anybody that thought things were going to lighten up in the region because of the uprising, apparently forgot what that place is like. There was the fast and furious investigation into gun running into Mexico by our government and it got one of our agents killed. A lot of people were killed because of this. The story would have been buried if it hadn’t been for a reporter and two activists that were fed up. One of them was Mike Vanderboegh. Obama claimed executive privilege on fast and furious. Obama also never passed on any chance to take a dig at race relations. Because Obama wanted to get his Iran nuclear treaty which was deeply flawed, he canceled an investigation called Cassandra into Hezbollah drug trafficking. DEA had worked for close to eight years closing the noose and Obama cut the rope so he could get a fake treaty. He made it in his own image how god like. Obama’s actions for that fake treaty enabled a terrorist organization. He’s an idiot!

I can’t really do anything but blur the lines at this point because we’re dealing with the same three people from here on out. Obama, Biden and Trump and let’s not forget Hillary. I asked myself a question as I watched this Biden debate with Trump unfold. Did they once again pull a Ruth Bader Ginsberg stupid move? I believe they did. This like so many things smells of Obama. He knew he was going to get Hillary into the White House instead of Trump in 2016. He I suspect was so busy with the machinations behind the scenes he forgot to appoint a lot of judges. Trump got to do that instead. I suspect that Obama has been so busy micro managing Biden again that he blind sided himself. Like I said a while back. He is nowhere as intelligent as many give him credit for. Another way of wording that would be to say that emotional issues can at times Trump a persons IQ. That is probably even more the case when you’re a racist and using a target of yours (Biden) as a personal sock puppet. There are numerous stupid Biden comments like this one.

The debate ripped a lot of masks off this time. I mean off of the media and numerous politicians. Anybody that supports the left at this point is just lost. When Trump debated Biden in the year of the cheat, each time Biden started to wander off, Trump would insult him and bring him back. He did not do that this time. He let him wander to wherever. The left was ticked off because CNN didn’t moderate correctly, meaning run interference. MTG made a comment on twitter about how the left has known Biden is just a puppet at this point so has to be replaced, and what happened during the debate was them throwing him under the bus. The left responded with comments like
“MTG alleges Democrats deliberately conceaIed Biden's age-related issues and now plan to repIace him, eroding trust in the party.”

This was my response to that
Richard Hawkins
I will admit that the left is filled with utter morons that didn't notice Biden wasn’t home. Those that live in 2D world can't fathom anything 3d. At least MTG was trying to not call you idiots. I just realized what all if this reminds me of.

I have a funny feeling that Biden was under drugged by someone who has a patriotic streak left in them. If that’s not the case it’s the DNC pulling another shaft a Bernie move as they’ve done so many times before. During the debate the Biden cult went from Hero worship to zero worship in a matter of six or so blank stares. What was revealed in that 90 minutes was that the media has been complicit in yet another huge crime. They were part of the 2020 election cheat and I’ll be doing a reading of a good part of that braggadocio Time article on it. This unvarnished window into the DC machinations proved what many had been saying for a good while to be fact. Remember as you step out of their shadow and into our light, who lied to you all of that time.

In 2020 the left pulled a fast one with Covid being the excuse for the mail in ballots and all that went with that. This is their new game. We’re probably watching the roll up to a second coup attempt. Everybody better stack up their nasty memes and comments about Navin Gruesome. I suspect it’s going to be him that they try to sleaze in this time. Anyway to close this out Trump’s SCOTUS is getting it right. For the most part. Project 2025 is already on the march. The Chevron SCOTUS ruling was huge. Chevron has been overturned. That ruling allowed agencies created by a law to determine what the limits of their power were supposed to be. What could possibly go wrong there? We had run off of the road and into the weeds with that one. That was as activist as you can get. This ruling dropped right after the Duh Bate.

We’re all victims of that ancient Chinese curse. “May you live in interesting times.”

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