ETYMOLOGY, THE ROOT MEANING OF WORDS “school” - [place of instruction] Middle English scole, from Old English scol, "institution for instruction," from Latin schola "meeting place for teachers and students;" 🕎John 3;1-15 KJV
BLACK FEMALE FEMINIST, SEXUAL INTERCOURSE & BODYCOUNTS: THE DAUGHTERS OF ZION, BLACK WOMEN ON SOCIAL MEDIA SPEWING WICKED TALK TO WOMEN…“For rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft”🕎Ezekiel 11;1-2 “divise mischief & give wicked counsel”
ETYMOLOGY, THE ROOT MEANING OF WORDS “Puerto Rico” - island in the Greater Antilles group of the West Indies, Spanish, literally "rich harbor;" see port, rich. The name was given in 1493 by Christopher Columbus.🕎Genesis 49;22-26 KJV