Sharing My Letter to Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison

7 months ago


Let's quit calling them the Aipac lobby and call them what they really are the Aipac Mafia.

Father John Sheehan:
“Every time anyone says that Israel is our only friend in the Middle East, I can’t help but think that before Israel, we had no enemies in the Middle East.”

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How can the world remain idle while this genocide continues to take place? I don’t have enough tears...

We need to invoke Article 6. Blinken is a war criminal of the highest caliber.

Not Iran, Call For Joint Muslim Nation
Attack On Israel From This Middle East Country's Top Cleric

Is Netanyahu purposely sabotaging hostage negotiations to prolong the war in Gaza?

This stupidest question of the year is not even hidden now but in brazen plain sight

Satanyahu is truly wicked


Palestine Talks | Live Discussion | Dr. Norman Finkelstein

I was at this event and it was an incredible night. Sadly due to his delayed flight, it was cut a little short but he delivered 150%. We laughed and cried and it was beautiful to be with like minds and hearts. I had flown in from Los Angeles and was very grateful for the opportunity. Professor Finkelstein is a true hero and one of the most valuable voices for Palestine.

Israel's Mask Is Slipping w/ David Hearst | The Chris Hedges Report

I've said since 7th October that Israel under Netanyahu wouldn't be satisfied until all of Palestine was flattened and its people slaughtered. Sadly, this is happening before our eyes with the complicity of the West. I've had to ration my intake of news from Palestine to protect my mental health and I'm aware that the Palestinian people don't have that luxury. Keep on telling the truth, Chris, and I'll keep marching and talking about Palestine though, to be honest, I've lost all hope and am in despair for our world Free Palestine 🇵🇸

Leaving the Cult of Zion!sm

Without support, aid and protection of US and UK, this country could never ever have dared to commit crimes against humanity for last 75 years


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Seriously, I’ve no admiration and not a bit of respect for countries like ¹UK, ²Germany, and ³France anymore. They're the same as the US & Israel though. Period

Watch "Norway warns Israel of consequences; US official refuses to criticize Netanyahu


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I imagine that he's at peace with himself because he is fulfilling a higher purpose. I wish all the Palestinians love and peace.

The greatest mistake of Arafat was Recognizing Israel thus losing the entire Palestine!!

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Fully support Brother Sinwar because, in the first place, Satanyahu is not serious about the hostage deal

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Marwan Barghouti will bring unity to the Palestinian people


My Reply

3 January 2012

Dear Ms Hutchison,

May I wish you and your family a Happy New Year? With your support and that of your fellow senators, may the New Year bring great hope and joy to the Palestinian people and the realization of their wish of a homeland in Palestine.

In your response to me, you stated, “I believe a U.N. vote on Palestinian membership would hinder the peace process greatly. The best direction toward a genuine and lasting peace is through direct and bilateral dialogue. That is why I cosponsored S. Res. 185, which opposes any attempt to establish or seek recognition of a Palestinian state outside of an agreement negotiated between Israel and the Palestinian Authority.”

In what way could the Palestinian membership hinder the peace process? I wish you could clarify this concern. The way I see it is very simple, just insist that the Israelis honor the peace agreement signed in 1993 at Oslo.

For almost twenty years the Palestinians and the Israelis have been engaged in negotiations for the resolution of the conflict. Obviously, this happened with the encouragement of the United States and the international community. When the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) signed the Oslo Declaration of Principles (DOP) in 1993, it was upon the understanding that within five years, a comprehensive agreement would be reached ending with the establishment of a Palestinian independent state. This did not happen, and the negotiations have not yielded the desired results. They went into a vicious circle and became utterly futile.

More recently, the Palestinian Authority (PA) insisted that in order for the negotiations to achieve their goal, both sides must accept two basic and essential principles, namely, the terms of reference for the negotiations and a time frame. The PA insisted that the terms of reference must be the pertinent UN resolutions on the question of Palestine and a set timetable. Israel not only refused to do that, it set seven pre-conditions:

1) No right of return for Palestinian refugees.

2) Jerusalem is not negotiable.

3) No return to the 1967 borders.

4) No stopping of settlement building.

5) The recognition of Israel as a Jewish state.

6) Keeping the Israeli army along the Jordan Valley.

7) A demilitarized Palestinian state.

The United States could not provide a solution to this deadlock. President Obama tried but failed to impress on Israel the importance of halting settlement building while the negotiations went on. In fact, the Israeli government refused to comply, and President Obama, embarrassingly, had to back down.

So it has become abundantly clear that Israel is doing everything possible to block the establishment of a Palestinian state, and is unilaterally creating a one-state reality.

Theoretically, this can point in one of two directions, either a racist, apartheid-like state, which is already in the making, or, a state with full democracy for all its citizens could possibly emerge.

Why is it so difficult for PM Netanyahu to return the stolen land? The Palestinians have been waiting for almost 20 years after the assassination of Yitzhak Rabin for the Israelis to implement the signed peace agreement, but you Senators still expect them to continue talking? It seems like some kind of cruel joke or is the lives of the Palestinian people insignificant to you? Either the Israelis are going to implement the agreement that they signed or they are not. There must be an end to using the “security excuse” to stall the process! Since you cosponsored S.Res. 185, you can read my reply to Senator Pat Toomey.

For your information because of this petition, two of my friends from America got their whole head shaving creamed by 7 fierce Jewish women opposing the petition. They were told that if they didn’t stop promoting the petition, worse would happen to them and the Jewish women threatened to shave one lady’s head bald. These types of humiliation tactics and intimidation are examples of why I am promoting a fairer view for the Palestinians and a more realistic view of the bullying tactics of the Jews. Besides this, I got a reply from one person who said the petition letter that I sent out was disgusting. My worst shock came with the removal of all the e-mail addresses from their site.

It is time that America stood up for fair treatment of the Palestinians and stopped this one-sided support of Israel.

Love, light, peace, harmony, and unity,

Sunflower Chong


From: Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison <>
Sent: Tuesday, December 13, 2011 5:57 AM
Subject: Constituent Response From Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison

Dear Friend:

Thank you for contacting me regarding a possible vote for Palestinian membership in the United Nations. I welcome your thoughts and comments on this issue.

The Palestinian Authority withdrew from seeking a vote for recognition of member status in the United Nations (U.N.) after only mustering eight of nine votes needed to win approval in the Security Council. Currently, the Palestinians hold observer status at the world body.

I believe a U.N. vote on Palestinian membership would hinder the peace process greatly. The best direction toward a genuine and lasting peace is through direct and bilateral dialogue. That is why I cosponsored S. Res. 185, which opposes any attempt to establish or seek recognition of a Palestinian state outside of an agreement negotiated between Israel and the Palestinian Authority.

Israel is an important foundation of stability in the Middle East. It has also been a longtime and steadfast ally of the United States, particularly during critical times such as the War on Terror.

I appreciate hearing from you, and I hope that you will not hesitate to contact me on any issue that is important to you.


Kay Bailey Hutchison
United States Senator


3 December 2011

Dear Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison,

I hope to get your support for this Petition for a Palestinian State.

The success of the “Arab Spring” tells us that a “Global Spring” is possible to achieve, too. And it can begin with nothing more than a click of your mouse supporting our petition. The Palestinian people need our support now more than ever, for a “Global Spring” to finally achieve a homeland for their people. To build a better world, everyone must care. We must have strong faith that we can build a better world for all.

On behalf of the Palestinian people, I thank you all very much for your support. Please spread the word.

Love, light, peace, harmony, and unity,

Sunflower Chong

Founder of

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