Yuval Noah Harari | Dan Bongino & Tucker Carlson Discuss Yuval Noah Harari, "COVID Is Not an Extremely Deadly Virus, So Now Just Try to Think What Will Be the Implications of a Much Bigger Problem Like Climate Change?
Yuval Noah Harari | "A Constitution Can Never Interpret Itself. You Need a Supreme Court to Interpret the Constitution, Or It At Least This Was How It Was Until A.I. Can Also Potentially Interpret Stories & Texts By Itself." - 6/20/23
Pastor Todd Coconato | Why Is Yuval Noah Harari Being Pushed By Late Night Mainstream TV? “(BTFP Ends) There Will Be Bank Failures.” - Jerome Powell (U.S. Fed Chair) + What Is Artificial Intelligence? Who Is Yuval Noah Harari?
Yuval Noah Harari | Why Did Yuval Noah Harari Choose to Feature a "Dove" On the Cover of His New Book "Nexus?" What Does "Nex" Mean? In Latin, Next Means: To tie, to bind, death and murder + A Reverse Noah's Ark?
Yuval Noah Harari | "We Are Losing Control of the World to Something Else, to An Alien. AIs, They Are a Type of Alien Intelligence. They Don't Come from Another Planet of Course. We Create Them On This Planet." - 12/8/2024
Yuval Noah Harari | "An Institution That Never Admits Mistakes Is a Very Dangerous Institution. Tenth Commandments Endorses Slavery. There Is An Endorsement of Slavery In the Ten Commandments." - 9/12/2024
Autism | There Are No Direct LINKS That LINK Autism to Vaccines Other Than These 23 HyperLINKS: Don't Click On These HyperLINKS Found on the NIH Website "COVID Makes Surveillance Go Under the Skin." - Yuval Noah Harari
Yuval Noah Harari | "The Very Acronym AI Stood for Artificial Intelligence. But, I Think It's Better to Think About It Like Alien Intelligence. It Makes Decisions That Are Fundamentally Alien to the Human Mind." - 11/16/2024
Yuval Noah Harari | "If People Think Texts Are Sacred And AI Is Better Than Humans At Reading And Writing Texts Then AIs Could Take Over Religion." + "Memphis Perhaps There Are New God Will Come From." - Elon Musk
Yuval Noah Harari | "Maybe the Last Story That Democrats & Republicans Still Share Is the Dollar. What Happens If Republicans & Democrats No Longer Use the Same Money?" - 11/16/2024
Yuval Noah Harari | "Open AI Developed GPT4. They Gave It the Goal of Solving a Captcha Puzzle. AI Can Make Decisions By Itself. By Itself It Decided I Will Lie. We Are Creating Millions & Billions of These AI Agents." - 12/11/2024
Mark of the Beast | "How Is the Mark of the Beast Described In the Bible?" - Joe Rogan | What's the Connection Between Yuval Noah Harari, Nimrod, Gilgamesh, Gilgamesh Project, Rev 16: 12-14 & Gen 10 & 11 & Daniel 7?
Dr. Judy Mikovits | Dr. Judy Mikovits & Tucker Expose the Transhumanism "Jackassery" of Ray Kurzweil, Klaus Schwab & Yuval Noah Harari "We'll Have Medical Nano-Robots, That Finish the Job of the Immune System." - Kurzweil
Yuval Noah Harari | "This Is Just the Beginning. You Can Follow Everybody All the Time & Analyze the Oceans of Data In Order to Police a Population. AI Is Not a Tool, It Is An Agent. Millions of Agents." - 9/27/2024
Yuval Noah Harari | "Most Legal Systems Are Based On a Belief In Human Rights. Human Rights,Just Like God In Heaven Are Just a Story That We've Invented. Take a Human Being, Cut Him Open, You Won't Find Any Rights."