Bo Polny - WOW - STRANGE July! STRANGE July!💥💥💥Bo Polny, Noah Christopher - Captions

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Bo discusses the upcoming financial events and their potential impact on the world. He talks about the fall of Babylon and the rise of God's kingdom, as well as the implications for precious metals and cryptocurrencies. Bo emphasizes the importance of being prepared for the changes ahead and encourages a focus on faith in the midst of the chaos. He also provides information about his newsletter and easy crypto school for those interested in learning more about cryptocurrencies and financial trends.

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Prophetic Timelines and Divine Intervention: Insights on Biblical Prophecies Aligning with Current Events and Scriptures in Summer 2024

0:00: ⚡️ Fascinating insights on prophetic timelines aligning with current events and scriptures.
5:07: ⏳ Revelation of significant events tied to biblical prophecies in recent history.
10:26: ⏳ Prophetic insights on upcoming events and timelines regarding America's future and divine intervention.
16:05: ⚡️ Prophecy suggests significant events in August, marking the end of a 7-year siege and potential financial collapse.
21:40: ⚡️ Prophecy foretells the fall of Babylon in August, ushering a new era of divine intervention and destruction of evil forces.
27:14: 💥 Prophetic insights on the fall of Babylon and the birth of God's kingdom, leading to a new financial system.
32:47: ⚡️ Prophetic insights on upcoming events leading to financial collapse and wealth transfer.
39:46: 💥 Significant financial events predicted in summer 2024 based on biblical prophecies and historical cycles.
45:24: 💥 Impending financial system collapse leads to surge in precious metals and return of Trump.
50:39: 💥 Impending financial revolution with cryptocurrencies and precious metals as global currency shifts.
55:17: 🔮 Prophetic insights on upcoming events and the importance of staying focused on Jesus amidst chaos.

👉LEGAL & DISCLAIMER: The above represents the opinion and analysis of Mr. Bo Polny, based on data available to him, at the time of writing. Mr. Bo Polny's opinions are his own, and are not a recommendation or an offer to buy or sell securities, commodities and/or cryptocurrencies. Mr. Bo Polny is an independent analyst who receives no compensation of any kind from any groups, individuals or corporations. As trading and investing in any financial markets may involve serious risk of loss, Mr. Bo Polny recommends that you consult with a qualified investment advisor, one licensed by appropriate regulatory agencies in your legal jurisdiction and do your own due diligence and research when making any kind of a transaction with financial ramifications. Although an experienced analyst, Mr. Bo Polny is not a Registered Securities Advisor. Therefore Mr. Bo Polny’s opinions on the markets, stocks and commodities are his own and cannot be construed as a solicitation to buy and sell securities, commodities and/or cryptocurrencies.


You have been besieged America by haters of America for seven years. But I, the Lord God, will take you out of your beseegements. So far, we know the math is dead on perfect because we saw what happened on July 4th with all of Mainstream Media going anti-Biden. Okay? So so far the math is perfect and now we need to watch what transpires in the next 45 days into August 17th. But August 17th, a new window of time begins. When we sta rt this next seven year window, the middle of August onwards, nothing they do will work. An d everything they're doing will continue to blow up in their face, fall apart. And that's why we're going to head ultimately into, I believe, what Kim Klamaproficide is they fall and fall. God's about to intervene. That means what? earthquakes, I we high probability of larger earthquakes, global hitting for sure. I'm going to say very high probability in the month of August. So earthquakes, volcanoes, eruptions. Actually, that also correlates with the Kim Klamaprofizzi and what he's saying. Summer will be the media between spring and fall, but summer brings the two to ease. forward. So what are the two ease? earthquakes and eruptions live from America's art land. This is the daily truth report with your host Noah Christopher. Hey, welcome back to the show everybody and welcome to Strange July, Strange July. We've got both hold me back with us to bring it all down. Well, welcome back to the show. Thanks Noah. God bless and yes, so exciting times. And I do truly believe we are a very important time point and we'll explain that relative to scriptures in a few minutes in this podcast. Yeah, that's great. Well, speaking of that, I know these clips always get shared and clipped up and passed around online. So I always like to say we're talking today on July 10th, 2024. Kim, a one of time as both said, you're going to see that in just a moment. I also always like to take a quick look. We're going to talk about crypto and Bitcoin here just a little bit, but Bitcoin sitting at about 57,500. So we'll continue to watch that. We've got some big updates for you. Stick around and just a little bit. We'll talk about Bitcoin and stock market and all that type of stuff because we are in quite a quite a moment here. But well, let me let me get it over to you. You've got some great new updates for us. We we just passed July 4th. That was a moment that you were watching. I don't know that we got the big like moment where we had like Ruth Bader Ginsburg dine on exactly that day. But wow, talk about that that time period kicking off something wild. It was before that that Joe Biden was the candidate and he was running for a second term and they they just did a $28 million celebrity fundraiser for him. And he's just the best thing out there. And then all of a sudden the July 4th time period hits and now he's everyone's calling for him to step down. Even George Clooney today. I saw just before we got on, uh, Bo George Clooney who did that big celebrity fundraiser for him just a few weeks ago, raised 28 million. Now he's saying Joe Biden has to step down. So from that moment in time that you told us to watch when you were on a couple weeks ago, the whole world has changed. So with that, let me just kick it over to you. I'll pull your slides up. Walk us through it. It's pretty crazy. Right. And so, you know, we live in not political times. We live in biblical times. I love stating that phrase because it's so important. And if we are truly living in biblical times, things should be happening at specific time points when to repeat that. If we're living in truly biblical times, we should be able to read scriptures. We should be able to pull out scriptures that reference time points, which we're going to do in a second. And you'll begin to see that all of this is not random. It's actually happening in perfect timelines and perfect windows of time. So if we go to the Biden presidency, if you can clip on to page, I think it was page four, I'm have a look at the Daniel cycle and it talks about Dan, an in Daniel 12 verse seven. I'm going to repeat this and I want to read this to you. It says, it will be okay. So it can be whatever you want it to be meaning it could be a good thing or a bad thing. And an example of that was when Jesus Jesus's ministry began, okay, it was a good thing because Jesus got baptized at that moment in time started the clock and then that went for three and a half years, 1260 days and then he died on the cross. They killed one across and then we have the resurrection. So if we take the it and we apply the it to the Biden presidency, let's take the time and look at the calculations on it. So if you click the page below on page five, what you're going to see here is something really, really wild. So you've got January 20th of the year 2021 was the inauguration for Biden and that be that created the it. So it was the Biden presidency. Well, if the calculations true, then the Biden presidency needs to come to an end on or about the beginning of July. The calculation 1260 days was July 4th, fascinating. Now the cycle of Daniel doesn't really end until you add another 45 days to it and then it starts over again on August 17th. So please look at the cycle of time. This is not me guessing. This is literally out of the scriptures and this is how the Daniel cycles were written. Now, so we're not I'm not using and I'm taking the cycle of end times of Daniel and I'm applying it to the presidency. Hope that makes sense. So if we again, from the Biden inauguration 1260 days, it says it shall, let me read the scripture actually says it will be for a time times and a half a time. So a time is 360 days or a year times and a half a time when and when he shall have accomplished to scatter the power of the holy people. Hmm. Interesting. All of these things shall be here. It is finished. Okay. So all of what they planned with a Biden presidency should be finished at the end of the 1260 days. Well, lo and behold, what happened? Literally, you're right. As of June, everybody's raw raw joy, joy, Biden's number one, right? The mainstream media, at least was saying that, right? And starting July 1st into the fourth, holding macro, what happened? Right? On the 31st by a Trump one that Supreme Court ruling that which literally starts to destroy these people in all of their law fair attacks. And then by the fourth, mainstream media is all jumping against Biden saying they got to get them out. And so we're watching this cycle play out right in front of us. You can't deny that this is happening. It was crazy. But I mean, it turned on a dime, like overnight. And you're right, it was two events. It was of course the debate. But then it was also that Supreme Court ruling and they happened back to back. And it was just like someone flipped a switch. And here we are. And the switch that was flipped is we hit your time period. Right. So that's the point I'm trying to make. It's not my time period, which you know, I know what you're saying, but God laid out the timelines. He wrote the end from the beginning and all of which is happening is in his perfect timing. And all I'm doing is trying to illustrate to the world how awesome is perfect timing is. Right. This is perfect timing. And so when you run the Daniel cycle, this is you're right. It's like a little switch was flipped right around July 3rd 4th because the calculation was 3rd into the 4th. It's in sanity. But it happened. And we're now go turn on any news media station right now. And all of the left is literally anti-biden. It's crazy. But none of this started until July 3rd 4th. So all of the cycles began. Now we got to continue with the Daniel cycle because it's a 45 day window to complete the seven year cycle. And before you even go on to that one more thing on July 4th. We covered that pretty extensively. We were of course watching it really closely because of what you told us last time you were on the show. But I was seeing a lot of very credible sources saying Biden was going to step down on July 4th. And I think that was a plan. And I think he just refused to do it. But it very closely did happen that he almost stepped down exactly on that day. And I think he just continues to be obstinate and refuse to do anything. But very interesting, we, those sources were very credible. And I was surprised when he didn't step down literally on that day. Well, and even that see, it's irrelevant to the point of did he step down or did he or did he not? What's relevant is that all of mainstream media flipped on him. Okay. So that's the critical aspect because it did happen. Now we've got this 45 day window. You can also run this calculation of time times and a half a time because let's say you're using the Gregorian calendar. The will or the Gregorian calendar has 365 days. Okay. So if you just literally run a year, so three and a half years of on a Gregorian calendar, that would take us to July 20th. You see, so we don't really know exactly the day this is going to go down. the reason we don't know is because we're at a crux of time, a moment of time, we've got us stated clearly through several problems. And also to me that the day he strikes, nobody will know that day. Nobody will know that hour and nobody will know how he did it or what his plan was because the way he's setting the stage is that there is no counter. evil will literally be destroyed smashed on that day and that that opens. It's called like an open heaven. Like that's going to be God opening the door to his kingdom and closing the door to evil. So that of Mark the time when this is like the Red Sea when the Red Sea opened, that was the opening. That was the glory opening. And then when it closed, it was closed. You couldn't go back after that Red Sea closed. So we're coming into a moment in time where God's going to intervene upon the world somewhere into August 17th. Now I'm saying that because I don't know, I'm just doing the math. That's all I can do, right? And so July and so far we know the math is dead on perfect because we saw what happened on July 4th with all the mainstream media going anti-bied. Okay. So far the math is perfect and now we need to watch what transpires in the next 45 days into August 17th, but August 17th, a new window of time begins. I'm going to repeat that. So as the math of the middle of August, we're into a new or the next seven years. Hmm. That's the cool part. Okay. So we step into the next seven years starting August, middle of. So how awesome is all of this, but all the pieces are perfectly fitting in place. We just don't know exactly the day, the hour gods, it's got secret, but all the pieces are falling into place and everything's falling apart at the same time for them. And so once God intervenes, you, when we start this next seven year window, when we start this next seven year window, the middle of August onwards, nothing they do will work and everything they're doing will continue to blow up in their face fall apart. And that's why we're going to head ultimately into, I believe, what Kim Klamapra aside is they fall and fall because all of what they've done becomes exposed. And then what they do, they will not be able to hide the deals that they did in darkness, because once God intervenes upon the world, it's over. And all they can do is try to hide, flee, but their game is up. So we're at a wild moment in time. Kim Klamapra also prophesied about seven years. It says, you have been besieged America by haters of America. Okay, well, let's look at this. There's your seven years. It was Trump takes office by July of 2017. You got all the scandals against Trump, literally, you know, the Russia, which, you can just layer in everything that this literally started July of 2017. And so there is your seven years of beseejment. You the words were this and you can play a video a second, but you have been besieged America. You have been besieged means people are working behind the scenes to screw America. Okay, you have been besieged America by haters of America for seven years. But I, the Lord God, will take you out of your beseejment. So let's play this video and I want now you've seen the calculations with regard to the Biden presidency. And now this video is going to make extremely a lot of sense to you to understand the timing because again, if you understand the timing of events in the world, everything becomes not painful. Everything becomes, you know, a point of, of awesomeness because we're just watching how awesome our God is, how he's laid everything out and he's making a way for his bride because again, anything of fear is of the devil and God is making a way for his bride. So go and play this video and you'll get the understanding of what Kim is saying about the seven years of beseejment and then what happens afterwards. Now that's great. All right, here we go. Giants that have come the brothers of Delirus standing clean watching America. We will cripple you. You will lose your credit and people will become very afraid. I have said I will bring this nation to its knees and God said you have been humbled and then you shall hear the sounds of great victory. For many that have cried out and said God will destroy this nation. The spirits as may I remind you, the covenant that I made with this nation is immutable, is unchangeable. And I created an exogenous nation to feed the world to heal the earth. Since yes, judgment will come but it shall not come at this time in the fashion that they have spoken. They have said they shall be a crash and America shall be crippled, not at this time, not at this time. Or I have raised you up on a season and there shall be seven years where I will take you out of your beseejment. You have been besieged for seven years America. You have been surrounded by your internal enemies. Haters of America have stood up and I will take the wealth of the wicked and for a season transferred into the hands of the righteous and all these people actually believe they are going to get away with it. Because why? They have all been tricked or deceived by who? The great deceiver. God has undefeated. God is letting them walk in and they are walking into the greatest trap in human history. I will bring an amount of restoration to this nation and they shall be taken out of this siege that you have been in for seven years. And then the songs will come from all over this nation from young people who deserve to sing my song. Yeah, that's real good. There it is. There's we have been besieged by haters of America for how long? Seven years. And what a coincidence that it's the Daniel 12 or seven calculation relative to the presidency and Biden completes the cycle on July 4. We're at a 45 day window into August 17. So I'm telling you, God's about to intervene. That means what? Earthquakes. We high probability of larger earthquakes, global hitting for sure. I'm going to say very high probability in the month of August. So earthquakes, volcanoes, eruptions. Actually, that also correlates with the Kim Clement prophecy and what he's saying. Summer will be the media between spring and fall, but summer brings the two to ease for Edward. So what are the two ease? Earthquakes and eruptions. So there you go. So we so high high probability if you want to put the slide back up on page five in that 45 day window. So anytime between now into September into August 15 or let's say August 17 onwards, but somewhere here in the summertime because the calculation, the far right side there starting the fourth. There it is. Right there into August 17. So we could either start eruptions, the two ease in this 45 day window or right as August 17 begins and we head forward. But the bottom line is God is going to move because the next seven year window begins on August 17. So what does that mean? It goes, I will take you out of your be siegement. And the be siegement ends at the seven year mark. So even though July 4th ended the 1260 day cycle, the full and complete Daniel calculation does not complete until August 17. Yeah. And you know that seven years is very interesting because we've only had three and a half of Biden. And so the other four was under under Trump. And you know, of course not to say that he was part of it, but he was fighting snakes at every turn in those first four years. He couldn't do anything because you know, he had people constantly undermining him. So you're saying that. And pause for a second because, but it will be, it will be. So Trump's presidency ended precisely on January 20th, 2021, the inauguration. Get it? So it came to an end. And then the new it began was the Biden presidency. And the critical marker was January 20th, 2021 as the exact middle point. Please continue. Yeah. No, it's just listening to Kim say seven years. We have to understand how far back that takes us. It takes us all the way back to July of 2017. Yeah. And that's literally just a few months after Trump takes office, right? Right. But by July, if you go back and check what happened, I was like going back and looking, it was, it wasn't until about the end of June, beginning of July when all of the attacks began against Trump. They're, they're strategizing and right around the end of June into July, they started with the Russian gay and everything else and Hillary, all of that started to fire up in the month as June was ending and July beginning. What a coincidence. It's the same exact thing happened right here as June was ending in July and beginning with with Biden. And those are the, you know, the, the, obviously the Democrats going after him, but, you know, under siege, you know, he was under siege from all angles. So he had a vice president. He couldn't trust. He had every single attorney general that he put in there failed him. So I mean, we talk about being under siege. He was under siege by both sides. And so to hear that that seven years comes to an end and then he comes back into the White House, if he wins in 2024. Oh my, you know, he's now he's back in power, but the seven years of being under siege has gone. Yes, exactly. It's interesting because from a cycle point, Trump is the builder. So he has to come back to rebuild after a collapse. So we're supposed to see a financial collapse. I'm not going to talk market specifically and talking about the finances of the US dollar. So the federal, not federal reserve, no reserve note means it's paper and the federal reserve basically as a bunch of bankers out of London. Okay. So we've been besieged not only for seven years, but for for a lot of generations. Out of England. And so, but it's really in the past seven years they've really gone, gone, go to try to capture the United States. Because when you capture the United States, you can pretty much you, you control the world and look what you got right now. And so this is literally a time point where, you know, which has been written for hundreds of not that old for thousands of years in revelations. So now we're about to see the fall of mystery Babylon. So let me describe. So what you're looking at right there in August 17th. So this 45 day window that leads us into August 17th, just to have the viewers understand what this is literally setting the stage for if you go to page 12. Okay. So just we can get a visual. This is the page 12 will give you the visual of what's about to happen starting August. So we've got two and a half thousand years go by since this prophecy was given. So that what this was was this was a dream of Nebuchadnezzar, Daniel the prophet, interpreted the God he gave all the glory. God gave him the interpretation of Nebuchadnezzar's dream. I referenced this regularly because it's so important because why specifically what happened was Daniel interpreted, Daniel was given by God the interpretation for the next two and a half thousand years. This is like literally the, the rise, you know, the existence of Babylon and then Persia, the whole kingdom of Persia, the whole kingdom of Greece, the whole kingdom of Rome, then the papacy, all of this was prophesied two and a half thousand years ago and again the point of the story is God wrote the end from the beginning. That's why he did the prophecy. And so what I'm showing is at this mark here in August based on the US presidency. Okay. As we are now in his 45 day window, all of this has happened so far. So we've got the beast. This, everything you're looking at, this is the beast. This is the beast of Revelation. It's mystery Babylon. And so if you go to the next slide, that's this is the cool part. Starting August, it gets struck. It falls. So we're about to witness the, this, the fall of mystery Babylon or the fall of the beast. Come here August, maybe July, but August, July, you know, with earthquakes, volcanoes, eruptions, they're getting to start the great wealth transfer. All of this that I'm calculating and showing you know, and the viewers specifically when the expectation of Daniel 2 verse 34 is expected to manifest. And what is Daniel 2 verse 34? It means that God intervenes and destroys, takes down Babylon. And I'm going to read Daniel 2 verse 34. It says, while you were watching, which means we get to experience this, a stone, which would be Jesus was cut out by no human hand. It struck the statue. In other words, the be the beast, Babylon, on its feet of ironing clay and smashed at the pieces and it falls. So Babylon falls. So I would highly suspect the statue of Liberty is going to come down, prop this year. Maybe I'm just guessing, but I would say that would be a representation of Babylon. Okay. So all of these images that were created are going to come down. And then Kim Clement actually described in detail what the stone was. Let me read this. I am the stone for this generation. That stone is my son, the rock Jesus Christ. And that stone shall be given to the David's of this generation. And they shall break down the forces of hell. So when God intervenes, God is going to anoint like you can imagine the David's of this generation and it's going to be fun to watch. There shall be no world war yet. This is not the tribulation. This is not a time we're going into world war. I promise you they're going to threaten world war. They're going to threaten nuclear war, probably this summer. You know, they've got the summer, strange July. So I'm telling you, these are beasts that are pinned up against the wall. So don't be surprised if they come out with a war, nuclear war, threats of, but all of this is going to fall apart. So there shall be no world war yet for I am yet to show you the manifestation of a rock in the hands of a generation that shall break down the voice of hell. The glory of God that shall cover the earth with knowledge and manifestation as the waters cover the sea. It is yet to come before I return. In other words, this is yet to happen before the return of Christ and then you are the generation that shall defy death. So what the prophecy is saying that Kim Clemente gave specifically was that through the voice and the name and the word of Jesus Christ, through the blood of Jesus, we're going to destroy the voices of hell. And so again, the statue of liberty is a Masonic deal. One of this is about freedom. This was a statue of the history goes back to France. And I did a bunch of work on this a couple of years ago, but I'm just telling you, don't be surprised if all these iconic statues or images that represented the United States began to collapse and fall. Why? Because ultimately, nothing that Babylon built is allowed to stand in God's kingdom. I want to throw it on the screen, but when you mention the statue of liberty for people who don't know, you're exactly right. They think it's just some great gift from France and what a great image and they just maybe just created it from scratch. No, as always, it's modeled after some Roman goddess and named Libertas. So then they claim, oh, it's all about liberty. But that's not what it's about. It's the same image that you see over and over. They put it on the statue of liberty. It dates all the way back to the Greeks and Romans. They put it on the Columbia image and even figure out the history of Columbia too. There's a reason why it's called district of Columbia. It's too much to get into right now, but it's the same image that they've been using for centuries. And so when you say that that may be coming down, that would be fascinating. Just like we thought the Georgia guide stones would never come down and then all of a sudden we woke up one day and they were gone. Wow. What if this actually comes down? So anyway, I didn't mean to interrupt, but you mentioned that and I just had to throw it on the screen because that is really interesting stuff there. Right. And we don't know how this is again, I'm going to play out, but I do know very specifically what was built by Babylon by these Freemasons, all of it's coming down because it cannot stand in a godly kingdom. So what's coming is when you go back to that statue, right, when you see the fall of Babylon, it's Babylon falls because what happens? God's kingdom rises, a new era is birthed. So there are two things that go hand in hand. When Babylon falls, so look at that image right there. This is the fall of Babylon that's existed two and a half or since time of November can easier, so two and a half thousand plus years. So this statue is about to come down for what? For page 18, click on page 18 and you'll see what happens. So when Babylon falls, you get a birth. Babylon falls. God's kingdom is birthed on earth. So now let's read Matthew 24 because it specifically states how this goes down. You will hear of wars and rumors of wars. What's going on right now? But see to it that you are not alarmed or deceived. Such things must happen, but the end is still to come. What it can't commence you saying the prophecy about the stone? He goes, there shall be no world war yet, okay? The end is still to come. So this has nothing to do with nuclear war. This has nothing to do with the great tribulation and the final battle. No, no, no. But the end is still to come. Nation will rise against nation and kingdom against kingdom. There will be famines and earthquakes. When we can't come into two Es or earthquakes and eruptions in various places. And here it is. All of these are the beginnings of birth pains. So as a mother gives birth, there is the birth pain. So that's what we're witnessing right now. Mother giving going through massive birth pains. That's what you're seeing for the past period of time here. And then that suddenly leads to the birth. Now the birth would be a moment in time when God finally intervenes upon the world. And a new era is burst. Now what comes with a new era, a new financial system, which means what Noah? The old must have fallen with Babylon, right? You see, Babylon was built with what? The Federal Reserve notes. The Babylon was built with a money system made by man. Because what Babylon is, it's all about man made. So we turned away from God with abortions, I'd have killed the greatest creation. We turned away from, you know, the pull God out of all the churches, starting all the started in the early 70s and then in 74, the petro dollar. So hey, we don't even need God's money. We're going to make our own money. Create the public called the petro dollar, right? So all of this manifest in the past 50 years. So now we're stepping into a Jubilee. We just literally had as of June 9th, Saudis who make up half the petro contract this that day, we're not going to renew that contract. So you can just do whatever you want, but there is no more petro dollar contract because Saudis didn't renew. Right. Yeah, that's great. And this was on the 9th of June, two days later on the 11th, which happened to you, Pentecost. We talked this in the last interview on Pentecost on the exact day of Pentecost, a Russian sub elevates right off the coast here on the East coast. Right. Why? Because they basically said, don't we've got subs on the East coast. Don't you dare try to force or bully Saudi Arabia to renew that contract. That's why there was nuclear subs out there with Russian nuclear subs. Why? Because you, you and I talked about this, there is a Russia Saudi contract because right after we abandoned Kabul nine days later, Saudis signed a Russia signed a military agreement with Russia. So Russia was reinforcing. And closely, Russia was reinforcing their Saudi contract on the 11th of June when the sub emerged and their nuclear and their warships emerged on the East coast saying, don't you dare force Saudis to re-re-up on that contract. So now there's no re-up on the contract is no more petro dollar and all hells about to break loose. You got the Biden presidency now falling apart. We're in this was just stepped into this 45 day window. And we got the two East earthquakes and eruptions right up at our doorstep that about to happen when these earthquakes and eruptions manifest works. A new energy is expected to be revealed in this earth. So something awesome is supposed to happen. And then that also leads into the great wealth transfer because why? The great wealth transfer is a matter of collapse of Babylon's financial system and the rise of God's money gold and silver, which ultimately destroys Babylon. That's how they built it. No other nation is going to be accepting a Federal Reserve notice payment and they're only going to want gold and silver as payment. And that's going to be the ultimate collapse of this financial system into year. And it's going to be horrible and historically awesome. It depends on whether you think no one are crazy. And those of us that understand scriptures and whether you believe in prophecy and what was written because all of this has been written for hundreds and thousands of years and we're about to see all of this manifest. And this then leads to again, but with the fall of Babylon is how they built it with the money. Babylon's money falls. God's money explodes. This will be the writing on the wall, the flipping of the financial scales, who Jesus was walking the temple and started just going crazy, you know, righteous anger because of what they were doing in his father's house. They turned his father's house into a den of thieves. So all of this starts now. And then that leads us into this video you've got right there about Kim Clement about strange lies, summers, the mediator, earthquakes, the two E's. So have a listen to this video. It's pretty fantastic. Yeah, you know, we we talk about this clip a lot and I just got to realizing that maybe a lot of people haven't actually seen it. So we'll just play a it's part of a longer clip. We won't play the whole thing, but we'll play just a little bit. If you've if you've heard Bow talk about strange July, strange July or summer being the mediator or I will make them happy. I think that's Thanksgiving Christmas time. Let's watch it together and I think you're really going to enjoy this. summer, which is just spring. And you fall. I will be the mediator to say summer. I will uncover. I will defend my son will shine. That's yet an easy answer. Yet the need the earth. There is a rage. The options. Summer says why choose they me? Why do the tornadoes? I have some. I have some. I bring smiles. I bring sunshine. I bring warmth. Yet there is a tumultuous rendering that is coming. I stand to protect spring, but fall. You are repelling. Or is it that possibly the spirit of God will cause many to fall. In fall. Then there is the earth that wishes to tremble. Shake for the nations of the earth. Stand waiting. However there is an uncovering of great people. And I will start from the top. I have shaken the Democrats and will shake the Republicans even more. But remember when these tremors and when these tumultuous moments happen, summer says, I will take it so that the fall can do its work in America. Summer, take it. For that says the Lord, I will prosper my people. And during the fall there shall be nitty that shall fall. And many that shall rise from the dust. The earth is standing prepared. I shall take it for the summer. Shall bring forth much in the temperatures. Strange to lie, strange to lie. Hypnotic November. At all, Christmas. We went to shall say, at me. I will make them happy. For God says I have chosen each season to manifest something. And winter says I shall make them happy. Strange to lie, strange to lie and hypnotic November. All of this ties in perfectly with the month counts starting July. So this is a perfect setup into year and right here, right now. So wild prophecy how all of this perfectly fits relative to page 19 when you get a chance. You can pop that up. Yeah, we have, you saw the date on the screen there. That was from 2014 when Kim released that. And ever since then, you know, we've watched every year and thought is this the year. And especially recently that it seemed to be getting closer and closer. But so far, it sure looks like 2024 is the year that he was seeing there 10 years ago. And it's just playing out to a T. So well, Bo, I know we've got about 10 minutes left, maybe at the most. And take us through the rest of the slides. And I know people especially want to hear about, you just told us a few minutes ago, but you talked about the old financial system, the federal reserve note crashing and new one rising in its place. Where does that leave us for crypto? I know you can't share everything because you've got paid subscribers. But what can you share with us about what we're likely to see next? We're at 57,000 Bitcoin right now. Where are we going? Okay. So let's go to what actually let's just base in some of the prophecy that Kim Clement just literally read right there with stating. What was Kim saying, you know, summer is going to be the wealth transfer. Summer, take it. For that says the Lord, I will prosper my people. So expect financial, incredible financial events to go off in summer. So we're in summer right now. Summer doesn't end till some of the middle or 20 of something of September. I'm telling you something hugely awesome and horrific because it's always a double edged sword. When this event goes down, it's going to be horrible and historically awesome. It depends on what side of the fence you're sitting on. If you've, if you're locked into the financial world and you only believe in the US financial system, this is going to be a very painful moment in time for you than these next six months. What I want viewers to look at here is from the summer, he said, summer will be the mediator, but basically everything has a season. That's what Kim said. Everything has a season. So when you look on there in June 20th, okay, that's the starting point. So June 20th, we run seven month calendar. That takes us precisely to January 20th, 2025. What's January 20th? Well, the inauguration date. What a coincidence, because there aren't any. And if you understand, there is a six day war, the six day war is a perfect example because the war ended on the sixth day. And the seventh day was a day of rest. Why I'm showing that is because if you look at December, December just happens to be the sixth month. So whatever goes down here starting in July financially with a financial system will be at a completion point by December. Right around Christmas. So it's going to be horrific in terms of financially for the world. But at the same time, historic blessings for those who prepared, who are owning, who own, who are crazy and bought cryptocurrencies, who are crazy and bought silver and gold. You know, a relic, a rock. See, it is a relic. It is a rock until God intervenes and it becomes the most precious desired item across the entire globe because the financial tables flip. And so what I am describing right in that event financial tables flipping is specifically a world wide event of what? The third seal of revelation, the greatest financial event in human history, the flipping of the financial scales page 14. So seal three. If you look at the writer, he's black horse, but the writer's got scales in his hands on the one side of those scale that you're looking at right there. Okay. One side of the scale is the is the dollar. And that's all that's been used. It's literally sitting on all the way down. It's got all the weight and silver and gold have no weight. So they're weight at the top. And that's how the financial system works right now when God flips the financial scales. The dollar is going to be dethronged as a world reserve currency. It'll lose roughly page 30. It'll lose roughly one third of its value overnight in the year 2024 this year. So on page 30, you'll see the US dollar. It's a 50 year cycle. Okay. So the $50 bill, 50 year Jubilee. Now shall concentrate the 50th year proclaim liberty throughout the land. So in the year 2024, the US dollar will be dethronged as a world reserve currency. It will lose one third of its value possibly overnight. And then for the next into the end of the decade, expect it to eventually go to zero. Oh, that's crazy. Okay. Well, can you, the viewers that would say that's never going to happen, please show me one currency or financial instrument. In the past 5,000 years, that has been made by man that ultimately did not go to zero. Every single financial instrument made by man in the past 5,000 years, every one of them have gone to zero and so well the US dollar potentially by the end of this decade. So how does that leave us with cryptocurrency's golden silver? Well, God's going to flip the financial skills, possibly July, maybe August, but this summer, okay. Let's just say summer rather than July, but I could be in July. Don't be surprised. The silver blows 3x, 3 fold and goes to $60, $70. Okay. And then three digits on silver and then hundreds of, um, multiple hundreds of dollars by year end. Why? Babylon fell. Babylon fell. If Babylon fell because of built on a fake fraud money system, God's money explodes. Let me expose, expose and value. It explodes in price. It goes crazy relative to price. Prices unimaginable are coming for precious metals. Why? Because financial system that we live in and use today is a fraud. It's complete fraud. Babylon falls, page 32, the kings of the earth will weep and wail. This will be a moment of historically devastating time point for the ones that rule the world. Why? Because they just met the hand to God. It's going to change page 33. Everything goes dark. So we're going to go dark. What that means? I don't know. But don't be surprised if things go dark. Internet TVs, everything goes dark. I don't know the day this goes down because God's not revealing it to anybody, not even any of the profits. No one because no one even knew that the Red Sea would part until it parted. You see, that was, that was a checkmate move for Pharaoh. Was that, was that Red Sea? So we're coming into a checkmate and that leads us into return of Trump. That leads us into, especially when he comes back to rebuild. But he's going to have to come back to rebuild after the collapse. So the cycles are saying that any time, say, by the end of this year into January, he should be back. Because he asked God, he's got to rebuild. So I don't know how this plays out, but I know he's coming back. Period. You can't stop what God has ordained. And that leads us into cryptocurrencies, golden silver, on page 41. And why I referenced that is because when financial system, it's going to be a black swan event, the financial system is going to be destroyed. And as you know it, the way we transact will change forever. Okay. That doesn't mean money goes to zero. It means that the Federal Reserve system, the way we transact, and that specifically relates to bonds. Okay. Because the US dollar is basically, it's a bond system of everything is bonded. And so all of these bonds and mortgages student loans, all of this begins to blow up, which leads the collapse of the entire financial system as we know it here in the United States. So we're going to have to have a new transactional instrument and wow, low and behold, every single time a financial instrument collapses. What is the world revert to? Gold and silver. Because it's been money for thousands of years. The only difference this time around is cryptocurrencies because we didn't have these before. And so remember, mainstream media, including all banks and bankers, is how you know, this is how you know you're on the right side of the fence because all bankers and global institutions, you know, they run the world. They all say, they've all called Bitcoin debt. I think they're out three to four hundred times right now. Okay. But yet Bitcoin went from a dollar to a fifty, six, seven, sixty thousand dollars right now. Okay. So Bitcoin is not debt. It's actually in the, it's almost sixty thousand dollars if it was debt, it'd be zero. Okay. So, and then when the banking institutions say that Bitcoin's a fraud is used for child trafficking, you know, they, everything that they say that it is is what they do. Their financial system is a fraud. They created out of thin air. They make as much money as they want. They control humanity with their fake money. And so because this time around, we got crypto currencies, the problem we're going to have, very important to listen to. The problem the world's going to have is because when this event goes down gold and silver, especially silver is going to get sold out in the single day. It's going to be very hard in the future to get silver. So whether it's a single day, whether it's in a few days, but within a week's period of time, I believe all above ground silver is going to be sold out probably gold too. And because it'll be sold out, it'd be very hard to get from that moment on into the future. So you'll still be able to get some but small amounts. But I believe it's just going to go on the word, you know, we kind of joked about an up to an obtaining. And so you're going to have very difficult time getting precious metals once his event goes down because people come to realize the US financial system wasn't fraud. And therefore globally, everybody's going to want gold and specially silver. Now the problem with that is because you will not be able to get precious metals be very difficult to get them in the future once the event happens. That'll be hard to get large amounts of it because there's been wine so much money created this fake money we're talking like just on the collapse of 2020, remember the 38% market crash in March of 2020, they create seven trillion over a weekend to put back in the market. You understand the magnitudes of these monies they're creating out of thin air? It'll wire a home price is so expensive because they create money out of thin air to be buying real estate now is crazy because when this financial system blows up, the bonds blow up. We're going to have the biggest, you know, it's going to be sellers globally. They're going to try to sell anything in everything real estate because everyone's going to get a need cash. So it's going to be everything the way we understand it right now is about to change forever. And so then that leaves me if you can't get gold and silver, guess what everybody's going to be buying next Noah. Crypto, big cryptocurrencies. And the good cryptocurrencies. The theory, it was a handful of really, really good ones out there. And so the world will be pouring, pouring money into cryptocurrency is because you will not be able to get precious metals. Or if you know if you can get precious precious metals, it'll be in small quantities. That's why they're called precious metals because they're precious. You just, you can't go into ground and mine silver and have a coin made the next day. It is a whole process to this and it takes a long time to mine precious metals. So because the amount of money supply, they're all just going to disappear and you'll be able to get little small quantities here and there. But there's still a vast, vast, vast ocean of money out there. And that ocean of money is going to be piling into cryptocurrencies. So those who don't understand how cryptocurrencies are, you're going to find out. And you're going to very soon want to get involved in it because you're going to want to transact by things in different states or by things overseas. And globally, the world will not be accepting the Federal Reserve and Northern payment. So if you have got a crypto wallet, you'll be able to pay for things with a click of a button off your phone and buy things because transactions don't end just the way we transact changes forever. Transactions will not end just the way we transact will change forever. So I hope that gives the viewers an understanding of what's about to happen. But we already wow, wow, wow moment in time based on the Daniel 12 verse 7 calculation. So something between the 4th of July, you know, in the month of July into the August 17th of this year, that 45 day window is a very important transition point. We've played the Kim Klemem prophecies about a wealth transfer in summer, about the two E's earthquakes and eruptions. So all of this is a foot here which then leads us into a historic fall where God opens the door for his kingdom and closes the door for evil. And what God opens and God closes, no man can change. Yeah, this is going to be a wild moment in time starting July into hypnotic no just strange July into hypnotic November into December Christmas and then that starts 2025 with rebuilding. January 2025 is a rebuild phase. Yeah, that's great. Well, we've got to wrap this up here everybody, but I've got an screen there if you want more information on crypto, especially if you want bows newsletter where he gives you all of his turn dates. He gives you updates every couple of days. It's really great. I've been getting it for several years. That's where he gives you a lot more detail. Tells you when we're looking toppy when we're looking like we're at the bottom that type of stuff and what price targets he just did. an update recently where he kind of puts the different targets that he has for the various coins. So if you're interested in that, you go to gold links on the screen there. I'll put the link below the video as well. Make sure that you get a discount. So if you want to sign up for that, that's the only thing that bow charges for. Otherwise, he comes on the show and gives all this away for free, which we really enjoy every time he comes on. But if you want to sign up for this, you can get 50% off when you just type in the promo code WLT49. And then the other thing that he has if you're one of those people and I hear from, I mentioned this every time because I hear from people all the time that love this. If you're saying I've heard about crypto, I've been putting it off because it's intimidating to me or I don't understand it or I'm scared I'm going to do something wrong. Then you need to get this. It's both easy crypto school. It's going to teach you take you from step one of not knowing anything about crypto to understanding how to buy it, store it safely, don't make mistakes, don't fall into scams, don't send it to the wrong place and lose it that type of stuff. So do it all safely. That's also at that's at the easy crypto And same thing with that one. Make sure you get a discount type in WLT49. You'll get 50% off when you sign up for that. So, Bo, I know you've got a hard out here. You got to get rolling busy day for you. But listen, thank you so much for coming on. Let me turn this off. Let me put you on right here. Really enjoy hearing from you. It's always a pleasure to have you on the show. And we'll have you back in a couple weeks and get a big update. We'll be mostly through that strange July. I think we're going to have a lot to talk about. And then we'll be heading into fall and it's just going to be an incredible year. So I'm excited and I just want to say thanks for taking time and joining us today. Thanks, Noah. I appreciate it. God bless you. God bless all of your viewers. It's going to get wild because a wild beast, Babylon is dependent to a corner and all hell is about to break loose. So we expect war is rumors of wars. We'll see to it that you are not alarmed. The end is not yet. These are the beginnings of birth pains and it is going to be an awesome, awesome finish to the year. So God bless everybody. I hope you have listened. I hope you're prepared for what's about the half of whatever happens. All eyes on Jesus not on the craziness going down in the world. So thank you and God bless. That's a perfect way to end it. Thanks, Bo. We'll see you.

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