8 months agoDeputy tells co worker to "Shut Your GD Mouth" Sweaty off duty cop calls cops on lady filmingPolice Ping
8 months agoTyrants in Tampa vs Experienced 1A Auditor. Drug dog searches Mercedes in Hillsborough County, FLPolice Ping
8 months agoDC cop calls backup when citizen calls him out for illegally parking while he grabs a jelly rollPolice Ping
8 months agoBully with a Badge! Olmos Park Texas police gang up on a group of 2A supporters causing injuriesPolice Ping
8 months agoFlashlight Freakout! Police officer in Colorado refuses to leave family alone, calls for backupPolice Ping
8 months ago"There are exceptions to the 4th amendment" Cops repeatedly harass family demanding to see the kidsPolice Ping
7 months agoRevenue Generator gets BUSTED! Bike cop calls for backup when he can't handle the situation.Police Ping
11 months agoRecorder Camera With 10.16 Cm Screen, Night Vision, Dashcam, Dash car cam,The Tech and Gadget Detective