Mike in the Night! E589 - There may be an assassination attempt as Trump inauguration will move indoors over frigid weather, Operation Warp Speed 2.0 as Bill Gates unveils details of ‘intriguing’ dinner with Trump Next weeks News Today, Headlines an
Mike in the night E590 - Its all a Script , Everything they tell you is a lie, They are now showing their Poker Hand, Next weeks News Today, Headlines Call ins
Mike in the Night! E591 - Why Canada needs a kick in the teeth, Why Trump Really wants Canada, Elon was a Democrat remember that folks, Next Weeks News Today !, Call Ins, Headlines
Mike in the Night E571 - As we advised President Trump Shares Kahn’s #1 Song ‘Fighter’, US Border Stopped 1,200 Terror Suspects From Canada, Bulgaria – not Hungary – manufactured the pager bombs used in Israel attack against Hezbollah that le
Mike in the Night! E576 - FU Zelnzki as EU approves €35 billion loan for Ukraine, Mitch McConnell Claims Trump Supporters Are ‘Losers’, hundreds of Canadians chose to be euthanized because of poverty and loneliness,
Mike in the Night! E572 - EU Tightens Grip on Telegram, 650,000 Migrant Criminals, Suspects Free in Biden-Harris’s America, Gold Rally Is Sending a Warning, Canada held hostage , Next weeks news Today, Call ins, Headlines
Mike in the Night E570 - What a Bunch of shit! , 20,000-plus migrant INVASION sweeps Springfield, Ohio, Moroccan migrant rapes social worker in Belgian prison days before his scheduled release, Next weeks News Today , Headlines, Call ins
Mike in the Night! E569 - Kentucky police resume manhunt for gunman, Tony Blair Threatens To Take Control of the Internet, UK Considers Sending Criminals To Prisons In Estonia, California Schools Set To Begin Mandatory ‘Climate Change’ Curriculum
Mike in the Night! E579, DEPORT THEM ALL!!!, Satan to Be unleashed on the Earth , Brampton in Chaos, CID, Dr Mysterio Tells all, The raven talks Vibration, Dino Bravo, Next Weeks News Today, Headlines, Call ins