1. Macronde, la com' toute pourrie ? Submersion, Bayrou nous prend-il pour des idiots ? Borne, honteux?

    Macronde, la com' toute pourrie ? Submersion, Bayrou nous prend-il pour des idiots ? Borne, honteux?

  2. #185 | UK Election Landslide, FBI Spying Report, Jersey City Shooting | Beauty & the Beta

    #185 | UK Election Landslide, FBI Spying Report, Jersey City Shooting | Beauty & the Beta

  3. #212 | Seattle CHOP Shooting, Shine the Reparation Shoes, Oakland Hate Swings | Beauty & the Beta

    #212 | Seattle CHOP Shooting, Shine the Reparation Shoes, Oakland Hate Swings | Beauty & the Beta

  4. Live dos Bitcoinheiros - 27/11/2024 com Ale Vasarhelyi

    Live dos Bitcoinheiros - 27/11/2024 com Ale Vasarhelyi

  5. #197 | Super Tuesday Fallout, Schumer’s Threat, Come and Take Buck’s AR-15 | Beauty & the Beta

    #197 | Super Tuesday Fallout, Schumer’s Threat, Come and Take Buck’s AR-15 | Beauty & the Beta
