#185 | UK Election Landslide, FBI Spying Report, Jersey City Shooting | Beauty & the Beta

7 hours ago

Show streamed live on Dec 15, 2019
*Please note - the information posted below was accurate when originally streamed. Links may now be outdated and/or inactive.

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Artwork by Facepalm Reality
Facepalm Reality's Twitter: http://bit.ly/2AZfI4V
Facepalm Reality's YouTube channel: http://bit.ly/2uxbrr9

Baba O’Riley remix: http://bit.ly/2PLGwPK
Bearing and SugarTits' cover of "Catch the Wind": https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DPZtCSScFWM
"Dog Park" and "Odahviing" written and performed by AENEAS: http://bit.ly/2sibPZ7

Items referenced:
YouTube harassment policy: http://bit.ly/2LRJhxB
Greta is Time Person of the Year: http://bit.ly/2tgyNRT
Greta apologizes for ‘against the wall’ remark, says she’s taking a break: https://fxn.ws/2YSJLst
Time’s Guardians of the Year: http://bit.ly/2LVnO6Q
Rapinoe is sportsperson of the year: http://bit.ly/2smkISJ
Rapinoe endorses Warren: http://bit.ly/2PPvtF0
Hillary top choice in new poll: http://bit.ly/2E4915u
AOC’s dog commentary: http://bit.ly/36yIp8U
UK election results: https://bit.ly/2YOZ9X7
Brexit implications: https://bit.ly/34l03eV
Corbyn stepping down as Labour leader: https://nbcnews.to/2LRpuhX
Hillary and Chris Steele say Boris is a Russian stooge: http://bit.ly/2RVWnxC
Guardian op-ed says UK needs its own Mueller report: http://bit.ly/2RUyx5y
London protests: http://bit.ly/2RX1HAW http://bit.ly/2LTWKFa
Two arrested at protests: http://bit.ly/34kcqbj
Pelosi on bribery: http://bit.ly/2tdrDhh
Trump’s tweet on Nancy’s teeth: http://bit.ly/2PM6AtX
Gohmert mentions Erica Marshmallow: http://bit.ly/38DbLF8
Jeff Van Drew switches parties: https://n.pr/2rQowvl
Impeachment vote not at all clear: http://bit.ly/2PQGjui
Owen Shroyer disrupts impeachment hearing: http://bit.ly/38GOKBe http://bit.ly/38FSoLI
Owen Shroyer explains his reasoning: http://bit.ly/2LX0YM9
Owen Shroyer has a glass bottle thrown at him: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kml3DmyqPYQ
CNN coverage of IG report: https://cnn.it/2PSpHT0
IG report hearing highlights: http://bit.ly/36HonJH
Fraudulent evidence: http://bit.ly/2PDcJbV
FISA warrant two-hop rule: http://bit.ly/2svjcgS
Barr and Durham disagree with Horowtiz’ conclusion: https://archive.is/LlJs8
FBI attorney who falsified evidence has been referred to Durham: http://bit.ly/2YQh3se
Jersey City shooting: https://nbcnews.to/2LX0rtA
CCTV of Jersey City shooting: http://bit.ly/2t4rCfv
Locals react to the shooting, blaming the joos: http://bit.ly/2PQFUbg
WSJ deleted tweet: http://bit.ly/2RVf84w
WSJ follow-up tweet: http://bit.ly/2PNq0P5
WSJ story: https://archive.is/KdpPj
Rashida Tlaib blames white supremacists for Jersey City: http://bit.ly/38J4nb9
Kid beaten for maga hat: http://bit.ly/2RTURMz
Surprise cringe, ‘Hot & Heavy’ trailer: http://bit.ly/2qMPu6N
Hot & Heavy backlash: https://cnn.it/36zBnB1

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