3 days agoVeritas Radio - Mike King - Hour 1 of 2 - The Bad War_ The Truth Never Taught About World War 2We The People - Constitutional Conventions
3 days agoThe WWI Conspiracy - Part Three - A New World OrderWe The People - Constitutional Conventions
3 days agoThe WWI Conspiracy - Part Two_ The American FrontWe The People - Constitutional Conventions
3 days agoAnonymous. We Ignored This Warning in 1967. Now TRUST The PLAN!We The People - Constitutional Conventions
3 days agoThe Following Information may be disturbing to some viewers viewer discretionWe The People - Constitutional Conventions
4 days ago“世界上最黑暗、最邪惡的秘密正在大揭露17”疫苗之殤I 從掩蓋到災難:麻鰓風疫苗與自閉症(MMR)的關連!醫界參考的科研數據皆被CDC明目張膽的竄改、掩蓋,醫生和我們相信的竟都是謊言!mcy1227