The WWI Conspiracy - Part Two_ The American Front

3 months ago

Tues, Thursday Sunday 7 Alberta 9 Eastern

Everything is a Lie; Nothing is True
The word 'conspiracy' was created directly to debunk anyone who questioned the "De-facto unlawful government" and now we have "Fact Checkers" and the government created "Ministry of Truth" to control the narrative of their versions of "facts" and truth.

De-facto unlawful Governments are now funding hundreds of millions of dollars to "combat disinformation" which means the "net" can no longer be reliable for accurate and occulted his-story.

De-facto unlawful False Flags, the Agenda behind Mass Injections of poisons, the lies of the holocaust (Which was 100 percent a LIE" how Rock n' Roll was created to repeal the Anti-Vietnam more movement and get the youth hooked on drugs.
The War On....never ends and those that perpetuate all these events are using social media fact checkers to desperately control the narrative. Soon, the written and the oral words will be the only source for truth. Hence the need for me to put this one-of-a-kind compilation together to save and to share for future generations.
1. The Great Reset Again Hacking Humanity & The 4th Industrial Devolutions
ALL Heads in the Cloud; Owned and Operated

2. Vaxxed to Spiritual Death

3. The Untold History Of Public EducationDumbed n’ Numbed by Design

4. Washington AC/DC Inc. Roman Latin “Legalese” Law since 1066; Legally Owning Your Soul

5. Pedophilias Presidents, Tranny Pedowood & College Rape Farming

6. Words Are Swords

7. Bioengineered Transhumanistic Cloned Nano Pfoods

8. The Depopulation Agenda Was Set In Stone

9. Chemtrails ~ Crop Dusting and We Are the Bugs

10. DEW’d ~ Paradise Lost & The Grand Design

11. Mandela Mind Control

12. Rock n’ Roll Psyops

13. We Never Went to the Moon It Was A TV Show

14. It’s Flat and That’s That All the Ancients Were Wrong?

15. Free Energy for All But Not for You

16. Nukes Never Existed Fukushima Fake Out

17. False Flags R US(a) Step by Step by Step…Works Everytime

18. Tartary; The Greatest Civilization To Be Erased From History

19. Endless Wars Never Ending

20. Endless War on the Brown Skins

21. Problem/Reaction Solution

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