The True Nature of Donald Trump and Elon Musk — Matías De Stefano | WEin5D: Even These Truths CAN'T Undo the Karmic State That is Being a SUCKER for Trump (Undoing it is an Inside Job). The Dog WALKS MOST OF YOU, NOT the Other Way Around!
The True Nature of Trump and Musk + What is Love? — Matías De Stefano | WEin5D: Even These Truths CAN'T Undo the Karmic State That is Being a SUCKER for Trump (Undoing it is an Inside Job). The Dog WALKS MOST OF YOU, NOT the Other Way Around!
Frazier Park, CA: Ongoing Criminality, incl. Illegal Surveillance, Stalking, Covert Abuse and Harassment, and Deployment of Advanced DEWs | Targeting Programme | J. D. Gallé, neoremonstrance