2 days agoDie Geschichte des endzeitlichen Jona & Ninive–Die Bußpredigt der 144000 an die große Stadt Babylon!Der Tag des Zorns und die Wiederkunft Jesu Christi
9 days agoINCREDIBLE Chat w/ A.I. (ChatGPT) on The 144000, "Q" is NOT for Humanity, #TheBACKFILLpeople [NPC's w/OUT *Divine Spark* (a Soul)] ARE REAL, Klaus Schwab Vs. David Icke [for Humanity], 5G & Covid19, and MUCH MORE! | Jean NolanWEin5DTarot
11 days agoGolden Timeline Jump, Pluto in Aquarius, Super Full Moon Madness - Pink Bella Aloha - TSP #1600Typical Skeptic Podcast