9 days ago*** MUST WATCH *** Media Blackout: 10 News Stories They Chose Not to Tell You This Week - Episode 60bruceafigertVerified
4 days agoDR. OFFIT: I can't Understand why The Vaccine Recommending Body Meeting Was Canceled. REALLY?USAFrontlineDoctors
19 days agoETNA Erupting, HI Lawmakers Float Bill to Eliminate Religious Exempts., VAX updates, & MOREhkim2294
8 days agoSmart Meters & Electromagnetic Radiation (EMR): Health Crisis of Our Time | Dr 'Dietrich Klinghardt'Biological Medicine
5 days ago'International Scientist Appeal' on Risks of 'EMF's, Presented to the UN Prior to '5G' PlandemicBiological Medicine
6 days agoThe Cabal-Run UN and WHO Knew about the Dangers of 5G EMF Radiation Back in 2018Biological Medicine
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3 days agoURGENT WARNING FOR THE VACCINATED: Rid Your Body Of Graphene Oxide Or NanobotsBiological Medicine
10 hours agoBees and the Magnetite/Graphene-Vaxxed Are Vulnerable to 5G/EMF Attack/Control by the NWO Cabal!Biological Medicine
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2 days ago5G Can Cause Cancer, Neurological Problems, Etc! Expose the MOAC to Get Rid of 5G-Pushing NWO Cabal!Biological Medicine
1 day agoExpose the Mother of All Conspiracies to Get Rid of the NWO Cabal before It Gets Rid of You with 5GBiological Medicine
10 days agoJim Jordan Questioning US Gov’t Dr. Birx:”I think it was Hope the Vaccine Would Work”USAFrontlineDoctors
17 days agoTop Secret Individual Mind Control Projects Based on YOUR DNA – Is Trump a Manchurian Candidate?Waking the World up
1 day agoCan Wi-Fi or 5G Signals Stunt Plant, Human or Intelligence Growth? Research Before It Is Too Late!Biological Medicine
13 days agoCalley Means Exposes Dr. Paul Offit's Deep Ties To Big Pharma & The Pro-Vaccine Bias Of MSMUSAFrontlineDoctors
4 days agoWe Now Have 4,000 Peer-Reviewed Papers On Vaccine Injuries & Deaths -- & There Should Be 400,000!USAFrontlineDoctors
7 days agoDr 'Dietrich Klinghardt': There May Be a Plot to Impair the Pineal Gland, Severing Humanity from the Creator and True Cosmos !Biological Medicine
19 days agoDr. Christine Drivdahl-Smith – “mRNA Vaccines are the most Destructive & Lethal Products in HistoryWaking the World up