21 days agoStandard Console Theater: "1Xtreme" [Part 4] (PlayStation - 1998) [NA Version]GAMING WITH THE DESERTPUNK!Verified
21 days agoStandard Arcade Theater: "3 Count Bout" (Arcade - 1993) [NA Version]GAMING WITH THE DESERTPUNK!Verified
22 days agoMotocross Championship (32X - 1994) playthrough on Pro, part 1/5 - 125cc and demoBlaqthourne
12 days agoThe Cutscene Project: "Aero Fighters" [Mao (F-15] (Arcade - 1992) [NA Version]GAMING WITH THE DESERTPUNK!Verified
22 days ago2Xtreme (PlayStation - Attract Mode) [NA Version of "ストリート・ゲーム'97"]GAMING WITH THE DESERTPUNK!Verified
12 days agoGamer By Proxy: "007: Everything or Nothing" [Mission 8] (GBA - 2004) [NA Version]GAMING WITH THE DESERTPUNK!Verified
12 days agoGamer By Proxy: "007: Everything or Nothing" [Mission 7] (GBA - 2004) [NA Version]GAMING WITH THE DESERTPUNK!Verified
12 days agoThe Cutscene Project: "007: Everything or Nothing" [Cutscene #8b] (GBA - 2004) [NA Version]GAMING WITH THE DESERTPUNK!Verified
12 days agoThe Cutscene Project: "007: Everything or Nothing" [Cutscene #7b] (GBA - 2004) [NA Version]GAMING WITH THE DESERTPUNK!Verified
27 days agoShooting From The Hip - 11 - Flow State, Autotelic, Mihaly CsikszentmihalyiBetOnItSHOOTINGFROMTHEHIP
14 days agoBlunted Threat Perception Syndrome: Low Sensitivity to Danger and Premature Relaxationaiworkedit
19 days agoThe Grindhouse: "007: The World Is Not Enough" [Part 2] (PlayStation - 2000) [NA Version]GAMING WITH THE DESERTPUNK!Verified
20 days agoThird-Person Shooter Theater [S1E3]: "007: Tomorrow Never Dies" (PlayStation - 1999) [NA Version]GAMING WITH THE DESERTPUNK!Verified
19 days agoThe Cutscene Project: "Aero Fighters" [Keaton (F-18] (Arcade - 1992) [NA Version]GAMING WITH THE DESERTPUNK!Verified