Elwin Robinson


This channel is dedicated to sharing Education and Science Based Tools that Combat Premature Aging by Optimizing Health, Energy and Wellbeing. My mission is to help people feel Stronger, Healthier and Happier, by using strategies such as Bio-identical Hormones, Nutrition, Peptides, Detoxification and Lifestyle Optimisation. Modern Science has now proven that a Healthy, Youthful Body makes it infinitely easier to feel good. When you feel youthful and healthy, it's much easier to be kind to yourself and those around you, and to have the Energy and Passion to Create a life you're happy with. I feel blessed to have discovered this for myself, and I feel even more blessed to be able to share this with you Be sure to Subscribe so we can stay in touch, and I can keep you up to date on my latest discoveries. To learn more about the Insights you can get from your DNA, go to: https://geneticinsights.co To learn more about Elwin Robinson, go to https://feelyounger.net/pages/about-founder



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Crypto Zoltan


Welcome to Crypto Zoltan! Your #1 source for unbiased crypto news and education! I do my best to provide clear insights to help you understand and navigate the crypto world. No hype, just knowledge. Join me on my journey into the exciting digital frontier that is developing before our eyes called cryptocurrency. Together we'll explore and learn about top cryptos like Bitcoin, Ethereum, Cardano, XRP plus NFTs, trading platforms, alt-coins, and a lot more. Subscribe for valuable crypto opinion and lets build a positive crypto community together. Crypto. Knowledge. Freedom! Disclaimer: The information provided on this channel is for informational and entertainment purposes only and should not be considered as financial advice.