Overcome Babylon


Welcome to Overcome Babylon, where we are exposing the deception of Mystery Babylon AND rejecting mainstream religion while STILL having a deep relationship with God... Abraham Ojeda throws down his views on the Hebrew roots of Biblical faith, current news, the New World Order, Biblical end times prophecies and more. Ready to come out of Babylon? Time is running out, and God's judgment is now being poured out! Getting prepared--spiritually, physically, and emotionally--is at the heart of this podcast.

Your Daily Bite of Degen


Has anyone told you your Awesome today? No? Well you are AWESOME! From the travels of Player1Taco we will get to use his rough Viking 101 how to guides and even rougher interviews. New content and how to's that will allow you to learn how to start interacting with different DEX's and Protocols and dApps that will give you the push you need to do it yourself! Here we will be bringing you updated information about what is going on with the latest protocols, get to talk about and with some of the leading tech and people working to make the world a different place through blockchain. You will find interviews, how to videos and Degen Shenanigans from around the world that sometimes maybe odd but we are all working towards a future and doing good in DeFi while having fun! To always help out please if you like anything Subscribe, Like, and Comment. and if you really like something please use my referral links so that WE both get a boost!

Abraham - Overcome Babylon - En Español


Bienvenido a Overcome Babylon en español, donde exponemos el engaño de Mystery Babylon Y rechazamos la religión dominante. Exploramos muchas temas que incluyen la profecía bíblica de los últimos tiempos, el segundo éxodo, la abominación desoladora, la marca de la bestia, el número 666, la vaca roja, las 70 semanas de Daniel, y mucho más. Abraham Ojeda comparte sus puntos de vista sobre las raíces hebreas de la fe bíblica y también la línea de tiempo profética de Yehovah en relación con los eventos mundiales actuales como la pandemia de Covid-19, los cierres de los principales bancos de EE. UU., la hambruna mundial, la guerra en Ucrania y la amenaza constante de una guerra nuclear. ¡El tiempo pronto se acaba y el juicio de Dios ahora se está derramando! Prepararse espiritual, física y emocionalmente es el corazón de este canal. Hecha un vistazo al https://www.setentasemanas.com/ para obtener más informes y artículos.